Chapter 13

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I can hear Izzy walk out the door and the wolves follow after her. My heart thuds like crazy in my chest as millions of emotions flood through me. She just left. I couldn't protect her and she left. Why?

It's because she's stronger than you A voice taunts in my head. I stifle a sob. A wave a loneliness washes over me. I'm never going to get out of here alive. Neither is Izzy no matter how strong she think she is. One alpha child against an angry resentful pack that will do anything to destroy the bloodline of their traitorous alpha. And the witches.

"No." I squeak, sliding to the floor. Their going to come for me. A scream rips its way through my body as all the pain of loosing and hurting people bubbles up again.

"Why me?" I scream smacking the hard floor. "Why did I have to be born into a doomed family? Why did I have to hurt my best friend and everyone around me just because of something my parents did? What where they so stupid!"

I am furious. Red blotches my vision as I reach up and rip down a book from the shelf. It lands face up and on a picture of a werewolf.

"I HATE YOU." I scream ripping at the book, tearing the pictures to shreds. "Its your fault Dad!"

I spin around and am about to grab another book when a sharp pain shoots through my calf causing me to moan in pain. I stumble a bit and all of a sudden the other leg cramps up too.

"What?" I moan just as I hear a sickening snapping sound and my legs completely turn to jelly under me. The pain at this point is so bad that I can feel myself starting to loose grip on reality. My other arm breaks and my vision goes black as I fall to the floor and hit my head. The last thing I remember is someone gasping from the steps that running upstairs and closing the door. I also hear the sound of a bolt being slid across the door frame.


The first thing I notice is the feeling of jelly in my body. It's like by bones where taken out and replaced with jell-o. I groan and try to move my arms but they feel. different. My eyebrows furrow(my face feels different too) I manage to to turn my head but then I realize that my head is already turned and I am laying on my side. I open my eyes and immediately feel light headed. Instead of my hands laying in front of met there are two gray paws. I gasp but instead a yelp comes out of my mouth. My heart thuds nervously.

Did I shift?

Duh, your a freaking wolf. A voice comments in my head.

3 minutes later I am able to successfully stand on my feet, er, paws. It definitely took some trial an error. I let out a yawn.

This isn't so bad. Two seconds later I regret thinking that. Simultaneously all of my bones snap and I fall to my feet. I still scream but it doesn't hurt as much this time. A warm sensation spreads through my limbs and before I know it I am standing back on my feet.

My eyes widen and I hold out my arms. No wolf hair.

"That wasn't so bad." I croak. Looking around the room for something to put on. Yup, I'm buck nude. I can't find anything except the shreds of my old clothes.

"Fuck." I mumble. "Just great." I walk around the tiny room. It takes me a second but I notice the state of the room.

"Fuck." I mumble again as my mouth drops open. The room is completely trashed. The shelves and books are laying everywhere. Papers of the books cover the entire floor. I mentally cringe.

"Oops." I whisper. I guess I did this when I shifted. My attention is momentarily taken off the mess when I notice a box of what looks like to be clothes spilling out.

"Covienent." I murmur walking over and grabbing the clothes. It's a pair of leggings and a long sleeve shirt with a vest. Grabbing them I pull them on along with a pair of well worn in leather boots. Turning around I quickly leap up the steps. I push against the door but it won't budge. The kelpi must have locked it when she saw me shift. I push on it again, still no progress.

"Enough." I mumble before kicking the door. It flies off its hinges. I gasp. The door has like, reenforced steel coating or something. I step over it and walk towards the front door. Early morning light peeks out of the windows. I reach for the door.

"And where do you think your going?" The Kelpi says behind me. I swing the door open.

"I'm going to get my sister back." I say. "And I'm gonna Challenge an Alpha."

♕Izzy's POV♕

I followed them as we made our treck through the forest. passed the large tree that blurred into green and i had to remind myself to hold back my speed and allow them to think they were stronger. before i knew it we were stoping. I couldn't believe what i was seeing, my first time at a pack house and it was amazing. The house was more like a mansion and it felt like home. In some bizarre, crazy way this place felt natural.

Without my noticing as i had been guided inside and words two large oak doors. I could sense the presence of an alpha beyond them . the doors opened up to a man who must have been in his early 20's probably 22. He looked at me with angry eyes. "why would you dare to trespass on our land, rouge." he spit out.

"I'm not a rouge."

"then what are you,if you are so inclined to tell me."

"im a wolf."

he chuckled and said" well thats quite clear," his eyes hadn't yet held mine as he was speaking."so is everyone else in this room."

"Alpha Cameron shall i bring her to the dungeon?" spoke the beta.

"yes she should be questioned, after i know where she came from and if she's working for the witches you may do as you please with her." what did he mean questioned? then it clicked.

"no, please no." at this he looked up at me. And it was as if he realized something like who i was.

"how old are you?" he asked, well that was unexpected .

"i don't see why you care but I'm 16"

"do you have an older sister who's about, what 18 now?" that was creepy.

" how did you know that!"

"because my father ran off with a witch whore 18 years ago, i thought they only had the one girl. But i suppose the slut was stupid enough to get knocked up again."

"DONT YOU DARE CALL MY MOTHER A WHORE!" i said seething" wait does that mean you my-" i was cut off by the door crashing open and revealing a pack member.

"alpha there has been an intrusion." they let out a shaky breath" they have been captured though they are quite feisty, nothing we couldn't handle though."

"bring them up, that is if um. I was so rude what is your name?" he inquired.

" Isabella, but i prefer Izzy." i said but then added" and i wouldn't mind if they were brought up."

"then bring the intruder up." he said. My mind drifted and i thought of what my father had done to his son and his pack, i started to wonder what was the right thing to do in that situation. though perhaps he couldn't take care of cameron properly after his mothers death, maybe he was to much of a reminder of what he had lost. but still that must have hurt not only his pack but his son. And then there was a familiar scent that entered my nose. But it couldn't be Ana she was safe and more importantly this scent was a wolf and my sister had not yet shifted.
My thoughts came to a quick halt when the door opened and Ana walked through the door anger clearly written across her face.She saw me and tried to make a move towards me but was restrained. I looked over at Cameron I mean my brother, I don't know. I nodded at him and he linked the Warriors to release her hands. And with no hesitation she ran over to me to make sure I was unharmed. After she was sure she became angry again but with a hint of confusion.

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