Remade/Updated Bio

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You can change what you want but this is how I'll describe your character.

If something has "(SB)" by it, that means I have provided pictures to show you what they are like.

Name: (Y/D)- your name
Sex: Mech
Age: something older than your grandparents.
Height- (Bot form) 40 ft, (Arachnes) 48 ft
Primary: (P/C) It's up to you
Secondary: (S/C) It's up to you
Affiliation: Neutral/Undecided

Weapons: Hidden Arm Blades (SB), Blasters, and when needed you can use your tusks (SB) as a shield of sorts.

Abilities: You have strong potent venom which you can either inject your victim with through your fangs (SB) or your tarsus/claw tip (part of spider legs) (SB)

Venom+ Side Effects

Neurotoxic venom (Fangs and Claw tip)- RESULTS IN SENSORY DISTURBANCE, LOSE OF BALANCE, PARALYSIS [2 hour - 5 day recovery time]

Digestive Enzymes (Fangs Only)- STASIS LOCK, SPARK FAILER [Low - no chance of survival]

Mescaline (Claw tips)- HALLUCINATIONS, LOSS OF SELF-AWARENESS [You will live if you don't drive yourself into insanity first, 12-hour recovery]

Note: Your venom takes just minutes to take effect.

If you don't have any ideas for how you look or if you want to look, you can use one of my OC designs.

Torso Design

(Imagine the size of your spike😏)

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(Imagine the size of your spike😏)


Purple: The things circled "purple" are your "tusks"Red: VisorYellow: These are your four optics

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Purple: The things circled "purple" are your "tusks"
Red: Visor
Yellow: These are your four optics.

Arachnes legs + location on your back strut

The cyan marks on the right are where the sockets are and where the connect

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The cyan marks on the right are where the sockets are and where the connect.

Intake + fangs

If you manage to bite someone you can inject them with your venom through your fangs

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If you manage to bite someone you can inject them with your venom through your fangs


The greenish part is a small little pocket where you store small important things

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The greenish part is a small little pocket where you store small important things.


Bad drawing of them but you can Google ideas for your legs

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Bad drawing of them but you can Google ideas for your legs.

I seriously suck at Bios and drawing legs, and no, I don't do full-body drawing because that's too much work. Hope you like your body.

Additional information about you: You are not a triple changer so you do not have a vehicle alt form. Your frame has thin patches of transparent film that help reflect the light of the sun and change the pigments of your armor but if the lighting is too bright your cloaking ability won't work so well. Much like camouflage, you can blend in easier though.


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