09- Curb's Redemption

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(ALMOST TO CHAPTER 10! Thank you all for reading and waiting for the slow updates!)

You get a human snack
The chapter gets pretty shitty in the middle so sorry in advance
Bumblebee will be talking like this

{_ "........"_}

"No. I'm not going to be doing that!" Your visor retracts allowing you to rub your optics. "That's insane and you know it."

They had laid out a plan involving you as some sort of distraction. Basically what you had to do was go out and stall this femme who is some murderous lunatic. How were you supposed to distract and lure her away? That's still to be discussed but you didn't want to be bait!

Finally, there was an answer to the question everyone seemed to have. {_"On earth, some arachnids do small performances, like small dances."_} You look down at him and cross your arms. "Do I look like I can entice some stranger? And just so we're clear, I'm not a spider off of Earth so the rituals are different, Buzz Nut." Bumblebee's pupils contract and his optic ridges press down. So he didn't like the nickname. That's a new button to press.

"Me and Ratchet will discuss other alternatives.. Bulkhead and Bee will keep an eye on Y/D." Optimus orders and takes Ratchet back over to the monitors. Arcee too, left with her human to keep him out of your clutches.

There's a small lasting silence before Bumblebee starts the morse code scrap again. {_ "It's Bumblebee, Insect."_} His door wings lowered as he stepped closer to you. Grinning, you bend down a little to match his height." You have no room to talk. Especially with a stinger the size of yours." You watch as his door wings perk back up and his irritation is replaced by confusion from your statement. You weren't talking about an insect's stinger...

Bulkhead gets between the two of you involuntarily pushing you both back from one another. "We have better things to get to, two humans are in need of rescuing while you two bicker." "Watch where you put those servos, Greeny." You snapped and gave him a shove back, now there were three angry mechs. Why the others weren't stopping you guys was unknown.

Greeny wasn't too happy with the name-calling. "That's bulkhead to you, con." {_"Yeah and what the hell kind of designation is Y/D? It doesn't even sound cool."_} That gave you an idea. At the same time, Bulkhead didn't want to leave Bee alone with you but he also didn't want to be a part of your verbal assault and walked away from you both.

"Well it must be cool enough since I had your carrier screaming my designation with my spike deep in-" You are interrupted as Bee lunges and tackles you to the floor.

Before anyone could break you guys up, Bumblebee was swinging punches left and right. He managed to land a few hits before you had bitten his exposed wiring. The aftermath was Bee just laying there unmoving, his systems had frozen up just seconds after the bite and you with a few chips of paint missing.

A sudden strike to the back of your helm sent you forward and rolling into a wall. Your large frame collides and your helm follows suit, slamming into the wall leaving you dazed but magically...it seems to have repaired your once-damaged systems. That was one hell of a hit, it's hard to tell if it was good or bad though. You'd be lucky if you hadn't damaged something or received a concussion. Can cybertronians even get a concussion?

Sadly this moment of freedom from a burden was interrupted by someone shouting at you. You are still too dazed and disoriented to notice the wrench flying right at you.

*Lights out!*

Timeskip (Brought to you by Optimus scolding Ratchet for throwing a wrench at you)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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