Q/A (important??)

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I've been asked a few things recently in my DM's so I'll answer them here.

When will you update?- I'll try to get a new chapter every weekend. My finals are coming up so I have to take time and study for these. (I've already went back on what I've said 💀🙏)

Can I be a girl?- Yes you can, but I won't be using she/her Pronouns though. I'll be using he/him.

I'll answer a question I think some others may have had and that is, why can't you use or move your extra legs when in your bot form?- While you can feel and move them around just a bit, they are not able to be used. You can still feel them but you can't move them.

Also for your food supply, you've started to eat some organic material that has very few supplements for energon. You regurgitate what your body can't absorb which is almost everything. The organic stuff you've consumed over time has led to many system failures and stuff. However, you do find some scraps of Energon here and there in the small caves around the forest. To sum it up, you are starving 24/7. But because you haven't been on Earth for as long, your body's energon levels haven't fully depleted..yet.
Think of it as like battery saver 🤯

My apologies for not making much sense in the book 🙏

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