04- Leg-less Hoe

801 27 2

You get disarmed (literally)

(If you have questions go to Q/A and I've answered some. You aren't able to speak English yet so I'll have you speak "tilt italics" for the time being as a substitute for the cybertronian language but you can sort of understand it.)

•SYSt𐌄m er__r•


•System Diagnosis..•
¤[Memory Core intact]
¤[Figure Alteration Systems.. Unable To Reach]_[Alt form Severely Damaged]_[Pending Repairs]
¤[Guidance Systems..pending]
¤[Navigational Systems.. Offline]
¤[Weapons Systems.. Unresponsive]
¤[Audio Sensors/receptors.. Online]
¤[Optics.. Pending]
¤[Targeting sensors.. Offline]
¤[Equilibrium Systems.. Damaged]_[Repairs In Progress]
¤[Energon Vitals.. 31% Seek Energon Immediately]

•Onlining Processor Systems..•

You jolt awake as your functioning systems finally start to operate. All you can see is a blur of grey and black. You looked up, still groggy and confused, but was blinded by a blight light glaring down at you.

"Slag.." You groaned as you looked back down. Your helm throbbed in pain while you tried to process what was happening.

You're on your knees facing away from the wall behind you. Both servos and peds are wrapped in chains, but your servos are cuffed and chained to some pulley system of sorts. Your peds have a similar story, pulled back just enough to where you are able to be on your knees comfortably but not able to stand upright without the restraints needing to be removed. There were also various cords aligned up your sides, making themselves home to your interior workings.

As for your surroundings, the walls were gray making the place you were in seem eerie and gloomy. The walls around you had these mechanical arms extended out. (Think of a claw machine) next to them in a lower compartment, from where you could make out, were saws and a cauterization tool attached to another mechanical arm. There are also two rods on each side of you. They had two pointed ends and just about touched your sides. The only conclusion you could come up with was that they were some kind of high-voltage shaft (not that kind of shaft you heathen).

You take a look around the room once more and spot a red blinking light aimed toward you. 'Great another camera.' You roll your optics at the thought.

Moments later a small corridor, one that you didn't even notice was there, opened. Your optics narrowed as you watched an older human femme walk in. She looked ancient by the wrinkles that covered her face and made her look like she had aged to be at least a few centuries old. She wasn't alone, however, a few of those other pests that had been stalking you followed in behind her.

You let out a sound that was a mixture of a snarl and a growl as you watched them walk onto a platform above you to the right. They didn't seem to pay you any mind, other than the older femme smirking down at you from the railing. Suddenly, the platform they stood on lowered down to be almost optic level with you. You pull on your restraints trying to lean closer in an intimidating way. One of the mechs in black pushes down a lever and the chains around your arms are tightened and pull you back.

"Watch it femme.." You snarled even though you knew this fragger wouldn't understand you. She only smirked before turning to her group and telling them something you couldn'tquiet hear. You stare at them quietly as they shuffle around on the platform to the different consoles there. You could practically smell their I'll intentions but you have no clue what they would exactly do.

The femme takes something and puts it over her optics. It was some strange-looking visor of sort. You turn your attention away from them to the small mechanical claws on either side of you. They started to move closer to you, going behind you and brushing against your back strut. You try to turn over but are jabbed by one of the rods sending volts of electricity through your frame. Panicked started to set but any sudden movements resulted in a wave of pain rocking through your frame.

The claw grasped one of the eight appendages that were tucked behind you neatly along your back strut. You could feel it being pulled and twisted out of its socket. A hoarse scream of pain escaped your vocals. They had finally managed to rip it from the connector on your back that connects your appendages to your body. Energon proceeded to trickle down from you back to the grey floors.

"Why are you doing this?" You snarled looking up at the woman in the white lab coat. You could feel her staring back through her visor. The pain lingered and stung like he'll but that wasn't what made your attention go elsewhere. What did was feel another one of your appendages being grasped. A look over the shoulder confirmed your fears to be true, this femme wasn't done with tearing you apart just yet.

Jumping forward a couple of hours

You watched as they finally left, carrying some of your parts that they had taken on a conveyor. Not only had they taken you much-needed extra limbs, they had cut a large chunk of one of your tusks. Luckily you didn't feel any pain from it this time, but they had taken three of your most important alt-mode parts.

Now you were left alone in this dimly lit space. The only noises were the occasional energon dripping onto the floor and the loud humming of the monitors from the small platform in front of you.

With a shaky breath, you pulled at the chains holding your arms up. Surprisingly they had now been loosened for you and now you could sit back on your knees somewhat comfortably. Who were you to blame right? At least you could try, keyword try, and get a bit of recharge and hope for the best as your energon levels slowly depleted.

(That's it. Yerp. No more chapter for you. Goodbye!)
Word count: 1010

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