02- The Spy Drone

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(Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🎉)

The events from a few days ago never really dawned on you and for the most part, you had forgotten about it all. The only thing that sort of made you remember what had occurred was the faint screams from a new group of two legs who were passing by. That happened the day after you were spotted. They must have found the two that you had killed and since, none have returned. At least none of the scavengers would feed off the tangy flesh of the two legs.

However, none of that was your main priority today. Instead, you took this day (like any other) to relax and try to converse in conversations with the wildlife. It got lonely being here so this was your only way of communication.

You've changed back to your bot form and sat down, resting your back against a sturdy tree. The animals today were quite active. The small furred animals hung out around you. They always looked like they had been tortured by Unicron. They looked so emaciated. You tried to feed them settings but they didn't feed on the land's vegetation.

You watched as the floppy-eared one laid down next to you with a huff. It looked up at you with its brown optics and whined. A chuckle escapes from your dermas and you scratch its head gently with your digit making its tail cable flop back and forth in rapid motions.

"Good evening to you too, Loae." You smiled down at the short-furred animal and continued to stroke its soft hairs. It was more than happy to be getting some affection and even rolled over onto its back for belly rubs.

A few minutes pass of you playing around with Loae. Along comes two more furry critters. You haven't given these two a name yet since they mostly responded to clicking noises that you make to get their attention. They are much smaller than Loae and have longer fur and unlike Loae they'd rather crawl on top of your helm and lay there. And that is what the two felines did.

You listened to the soft purring coming from the two curled-up felines that lay on your helm and listened to Loae's panting. A nice and peaceful moment shared between you and the small animals obviously was set to be disturbed at some point.

Loae got up, no longer was she calm, but now alert. "Loae what are-" You are cut off by her suddenly howling and backing closer to you from the treeline. The poor felines scampered off, Loae's sudden burst of noises had spooked them. You watched as they ran off and angrily growled "Loae!" But she kept barking. You noticed how much different her body behavior has changed from a more excited and relaxed one to one with her tail tucked between her legs. It wasn't long before you spotted a small blinking light and your audio receptors picked up the sound of a faint humming.

Loae whined and scurried away into the brush, following where the felines had run off to. This left you alone.

The red light blinked occasionally and hovered about 3 meters above the ground, never moving. The only time it did move was when you moved, it followed your every.. single.. move. You squint your optics and could make out the shape of this red dot. It was box-like with wings or propellers.

"Is that a drone..?" You quietly questioned yourself before getting up from your lying position. You swatted your servo at it which led to it moving to the other side of you and higher out of your reach. Was it taunting you? It sure felt like it. And even more so when it flashed a bright light at you twice like what the one scrawny two-leg had done.

It merely blinded you but ticked you off enough to try and smite it which didn't work as it flew higher out of your reach. "If I can't hit you down then I'll shoot ya down.." Your arm guards (arms) turn into an Astro mag and your shots with precise aim and quick speed break its propellers.

You watched as it fell and smacked the grass floor with a soft thud. The red light was still aimed toward you and blinking occasionally. "Damn spy.." You growled before crushing it under your ped and walking away from the scene.

Meanwhile elsewhere else...

A soldier in an all-black uniform sits in a chair in from of a variety of screens. Goggles covered their eyes as they hastily typed stuff into a computer before looking at one of the screens that was blank with only SMPTE color bars on it.

The sound of a sliding door opening could be heard along with a pair of heavy footsteps. The soldier turned to the sound a tensed before quickly straightening their posture.

A tall man walks over, his face Scarred from old wounds and his grey hair indicating his old age. "Any update on the specimen?" The soldier nervously spoke, "Well we've lost S.D-3. However, I am glad to say that S.D.- 1,2, and 4 are still in operation and are surveilling the machine, sir." They said with a bit of hope and looked at the different screens that played recordings.

The man watched the recording and frowned. "What happened to S.D-3?" "Crushed.." was the quiet reply from the soldier who was trembling under his gaze.

He hummed. "I thought you said they were weaponized? Was there a hidden defect?" His voice carried a thick layer of irritation.

"Yes they are sir I don't know what happened exactly.." they turned in their chair and faced him. "Find the issue and fix it." The man snarled, "And have groups 1 and 4 out there by that robot's last known location." He orders before walking out.

The soldier let out a sigh of relief when the door shut before they talked into a radio, "All personnel in groups Delta 1 and Delta 4 report to the helipad, Silas has a job for you.."

(The first "furry animal" is a feral dog and the second is some cats.)

Word count: 1044

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