¤Pre-reading Info and terms

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This is my first story so be nice ya mean old tarts.

Bad grammar, like the worst spelling (please tell me my mistakes so I can fix them. ;-; )

Gore and mentions of character deaths

I forget a little bit of the storyline so don't come at me and this story will not have autobots and decepticons until later.

Maybe a few little fluffy bits between some of the characters

There may be an eventual romantic relationship with you and other characters idk yet.

Also for the first bit of the story, you will not be speaking any of Earth's languages so the humans that you will encounter will not be able to understand what it is you are saying.

Things I will NOT be doing:

SMUT (sorry, not sorry)

Vore (Why the hell would you want this in a story?)


Female/woman- Femme
Male/man- Mech
Mechling- boy or younger male
Femmling- girl or younger female
Youngling- Child/Teen
Sparkling- Infant

Courted- girl/boyfriend
Courting- dating
Sire- Father
Creator(s)- parent(s)
Sparkmate- Husband/ wife

Head- Helm
Foot/feet- Pede(s)
Hand/hands- Servos
Fingers- Digits
Eye/eyes- Optics
Lips- Dermas
Ears- Audio fins/receptors
Brain- Processor
Teeth- Denta
Tounge- Glossa
Heart/soul- Spark
@ss- Aft
Face- Face plate
Interface Panel- Like a crotch plate, it just covers your private area
Skin- Photoform
Frame is their body structure
Tail cable is just a tail

Valve- Vagina
Spike- Penis/cock
(Both mechs and femmes have both a spike and a valve, as far as I am aware)
Energon Womb- A womb that carries an unborn sparkling(s) I am not sure if mechs have one but femmes do.
Sparkbond/Sparkbonding - When a mech or femme opens their spark chamber and both mates press their chests close to each other where their sparks bond. (One way of having sex for them)
External node: Clit
Overloading- Madly use this as a way to say cumming or ejaculating
(Have no idea if I'll use any of these more mature ones but they're nice to know)

Scrap/ Slag- crap or shit
Frag- Fuck
Glitch- Bitch

High-grade- Their version of alcohol
Designation- Their name or what they are called
A Datapad- book, tablet, or computer
Energon is their 'blood' and food source.

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