05- Unspeakable Trials

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(I've updated the character description of you. You are much bigger now because I want you to be! 😋 Hope you guys had a good Christmas because I did!)

A whole lot of POV switching so sorry,

Wrecker/Wrecker 1 is Breakdown.

Big Been/ Wrecker 2 is bulkhead
That is how to refer to them before you know their names
(O/c) is your optic color

It's been 6 days, from what you can tell, with barely any bit of recharge. Truth be told you don't know how long it's been, hours, days, weeks possibly. They were ever so kind enough to move you somewhere more spacious but with more security and you strapped to this berth-like thing. You also have a large open wall that you can look out of. How lovely, all there was on the other side was another grey wall but it was indeed another room or hallway. And you tended to look out into it wondering to yourself if there may have been some exit somewhere out there. All of that came at a price though. After they had taken parts to your alt form they had also decided to saw off one of your tusks

Human gossip is rich and the only thing here keeping you aware of the outside world. The only time they talk about stuff like this is when it's only the mechs in black and no lab coat woman. But they also wouldn't talk when a taller mech was present. He must have been the one in charge since he barked at the small humans a bit. And from what you have heard from them over talking, they're bringing something else in for their lab tests and to toy with. That was all you could really interpret from them. They only really talked in hushed voices.

2nd Person

You found yourself staring up at the ceiling light right above the table to were strapped down onto. The sound of the leaking pipes was currently the only thing making a sound in this room you had been placed in. It was slowly driving you into insanity but what could you do about it? You can't complain to the humans cause this place has no room service and why would they care to begin with?

The sound of the small rectangular corridor opening seemed to echo through the quiet room along with the sound of a pair of small footsteps, one you've grown familiar with hearing. They had a small skip with every small step, unique from the rest. These belong to a small human you've named Gunther, though he calls himself "Aslan". He was a bit smaller than the others in his group which led to him being pushed around from what you could tell. He had a second visor, flimsy clear ones that stood on the bridge of his nose preventing him from wearing the other visor like the others. You liked him because he always talked to you when he came in here alone and also seemed to give a damn about what would happen to you or at least he acted like it. And further more for his reputation with you, he gives you energy, raw sadly, not much but it's something.

You noticed he had a large container with him, an IBC tank of sorts. He goes up to a large datapad mounted to a wall and presses a few buttons before he finally sets his attention on you. You could tell by the tone of his voice and the way the corner of his eyes squinted ever so slightly he was smiling underneath his faceplate covering and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Good afternoon, Curb." Yes, he calls you "Curb" for some Primus-forsaken reason. Though you don't mind, he feeds and talks to you so you have to let him get away with a thing or two. "Good day, Gunther." You replied watching him from the corner of your left optics. Though all he heard was a few clicks and odd noises, he seemed pleased with a response from you.

He walks across a small narrow overpass thing about you that the humans regularly pass on to get onto other sides of the room and you. It chattered and clanked with each step he took when bringing the tank along with him on a large cart. Finally, he came up by your side just a few feet above the berth you were strapped to. Even up close he was very small compared to you.

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