08- Striking a Deal

538 20 14

(Thank you to the person who's fixing my errors. I probably won't go back and change them because I don't know why 😔 Enjoy!)


A ground bridge opens in the alley next to them and you both stand there for a moment. Arcee is the first to speak up, "You first." You roll your optics and step through the swirling vortex first.

On the other side, you're met with the view of startled Autobots and blasters being pointed at you. "I'd be careful if I was you." Your voice rang followed by you chuckling, they must have been expecting Arcee to come through first. Their weapons lowered slightly as you held Jack up, your thumb grazing the back of his head. "One wrong move and the human goes 'pop'."

The ground bridge closes behind Arcee when she comes through. The tension rises between you and the Autobots and it's almost like a showdown with them aiming their blasters at you and you holding their precious cherry gusher.

You tighten your grip on Jack which makes him let out a strained groan. Arcee gave them a look and they cautiously lowered their blasters. "Ratchet, where is Optimus?" The two-wheeler's voice cracked but she kept her composure, amazingly enough.

The old medic powers up the ground bridge while keeping an optic on you. "Returning from energon run. He already has been made aware of our.. guest." "Hear that Jack," you say mockingly to the human in your grasp "Your 'hero' is coming to your rescue."

Just as you finish your sentence there is a loud engine roar and a semi drives through the ground bridge. It was no other than the Prime himself. 

He transformed and took a step forward, his optics narrowed as he saw Jack in your grasp. "Well, good evening to you too." You smile and go to give Arcee her human but your sudden movement sets off Bumblebee and big green bean. "You guys have no self-control."

Bee responds by making a series of angry beeps and whirs that you aren't fast on picking up to translate. While Bulkhead lowered his hammer, Bumblebee still held his little blasters up. "Easy now Busy Bee. I'm feeling like trying a new kind of snack. Say, Jack, will your body make a crunchy or pop sound?" Looking at Jack you open and shut your intake making your teeth clash loudly (think of animated shark stuff lol) which both disgusts and frightens him. Your minor warning and a stern yet worried glance from Optimus made Bee stand down. You set Jack on the small human deck just before Arcee takes him back.

She transformed swiftly and drove down out of the base. The reason for that must have been because it was late and no human was safe since you showed interest in organic flesh.

You watch as the teen boy is taken from your custody your grin disappears from your dermas as you look down at Optimus. He in return has to tilt his helm up just to meet your optics. "Now on to my little request. I need you and your team's help with a search and rescue. As in we go in search for my human." The silence is thick, the three mechs behind him watch you both and listen in. 'Bunch of snoops,' you thought to yourself. Optimus still seemed unsure of your request making you a bit annoyed. You think of yourself as a trustworthy bot, why wouldn't they trust you? (I wonder why)

You break the silence and add to your request, "How about I give you something in return as a show of my gratitude? Some samples of my various venoms and maybe I won't share your team's whereabouts with Lord Megatron," The medic scoffs at your offer, "Oh please, why would we need potent venom from you? Optimus please consider that this con is a threat, if he's here any longer his backup crew will be here any minute." Now you and Ratchet had the Prime stuck, you withhold their base location that the Decepticons could use in the war and Ratchet could be right. You are a large threat to his team; you can leak their location and have a crew of Decepticons heading here at this moment.

Optimus turns to his medic and says "I know of the risks, but" he turns back to you. "I will take your word,.." he seems unsure of what to call you. "Just Y/d no other formalities needed. And don't get your wrenches in a twist Ratchet, you can use it to find an antidote." You giggled "Even better, just make a copy of it if you're a freakish bot like that one-optic glitch, Shockwave."

Ratchet and the others visibly shiver at the mention of the scientist and fall silent again as you speak. "So then Optimus, have we struck a deal?" You held out your servo to seal it. You feel his servo gasp yours in a firm shake, "Indeed we have Y/d."

"Good." You grin and pull your servo back to your side, "Until we retrieve my pet I expect you to keep your end of the deal with assisting me." You feel yourself cringe mentally as you refer to Aslan as your pet, but it buys the act of a Decepticon.

The group is tense as you space yourself from Optimus, you're just proud of yourself for striking some fear into them. Maybe some of it was a bit unnecessary but it had to be done one way or another.

With the deal made and pushed aside for now, Optimus makes his way over to Ratchet and they quietly discuss the deal, Ratchet looks very unpleased which makes you happy.

The yellow scout watches you from afar doing a silly thing like puffing out his chassis to look bigger, like a threat. The pathetic motive to look bigger to size you up made you merely roll your optics. Doing that to a literal giant who could rip him limb from limb was like a death wish but not to him.

A loud screeching noise of tires erupts from the entry of the base. It's Arcee and she brought her..human?

As Arcee transforms Optimus steps forward. Everyone's attention is now brought to them both and they seem to be in distress. "Optimus, Jack's mother, has been taken by M.E.C.H., and worse, Airachnid is there helping them." That must have been some secret que or something cause they now are all staring at you.

You stare back at them dumbfounded. "What are y'all staring at?"

Word count: 1108

(P.S. Yall need to start getting on my ass if I don't post a chapter cause I'll forget and have a 200-word draft set aside 😭)

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