07- Betrayal's Grip

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(I accidentally deleted this chapter twice, I need to start doing this on a computer cause my fat fingers cant keep up.)

Something like kidnapping
I forget my 'r' in 'your' alot so sorry

Somewhere on an old pasture with you standing bear a barn as Aslan sits on the roof of it.

"Transform! I wanna see!"

"Gunth- Aslan," You spoke in a stern tone, "I already told you, no I wasn't doing it." He has been a persistent arfhole the past 2 Earth days. His constant nagging was annoying even though you repeatedly told him some random excuse so as to not transform but he wasnt buying it.

He crosses his arms and starts to pout like a sparkling. "But why? I'm sure you're just as cool and scary in your other form! C'mon please?" He tried persuading you again and was doing this thing with his optics that he would call "puppy eyes", another thing he'd try to make you cave.

"It's not that I don't think I look scary it's because of anything leading to my loss of balance. No thanks to your ex-group." That seemed offended him a bit.

"Well, I wasn't there when they did it so you can't possibly be blaming me here! And why would you come out in to the open in the first place?" You ignore his question debating your choice. "How about a deal," you say which caught his interest. "A deal? Really?" You nod, "Mhm. If I transform into my 'scary mode' as you put it, you in return have to promise me that you'll be quiet for the rest of the evening."

"And no talking means no talking." You say sternly, "No peeps, no whispering and no breathing." He nods eagerly, "Deal!" However he totally missed the 'no breathing' part.

A small chuckle comes from your vocals as you stand back from the barn. You knew this was going to get hectic real quick and so you look yourself over real fast. "Primus have mercy on my spark.." You mumbled to yourself knowing this wouldn't turn out well even with Primus's blessing.

Your lower torso slowly yet swiftly started to shift places and change along with parts of your back strut. And after a minute your transition was complete, though there was a small problem now... your equilibrium systems had only repaired themselves in your bot form, not in this one. Thus resulting in you standing there like an idiot, your form slightly wobbling which sparked some concern in Aslan as he watched from his place on the roof. Though he did continue to admire you in this form it couldn't have been normal for you to be swaying a bit.

Aslan's POV

I watched Y/D sort of stand there awkwardly, he didn't seem all too pleased and looked slightly worried. I also saw where he was missing parts of himself but he still looked good, at least I think he does.

He moved one of his large legs forward, like a baby taking its fort steps. I was proud of him, he was 7 steps in but still wobbling a bunch. "Umm.. Y/D are you sure you're alright? You're very unsteady when you start moving." I noted and he just gave a nod to confirm that he was okay.

Then he made the mistake of shifting his weight just a bit over onto one side and that's when I see him falling over onto that side, smacking into a small shed that just happened to be there and demolishing it with his large body. I hear him groan and see him transform back to his bot form.

2nd POV

You got up and huffed in disappointment and embarrassment at your failure to do such a simple thing. And you made your way back over to the small human and gave him a small glare met by his amused yet unimpressed one.

He stares up unimpressed from where he sat on an old worn-down barn roof as you stare back knowing that he is going to go on about it. You sighed looking elsewhere but he just kept staring at you, "That wasn't your best moment was it?" He was obviously still amused by what had happened, the audacity this little fleshy, cherry gusher has.

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