01- Odd creatures..

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(First chapter! 🤯 Also happy Thanksgiving eve!)

Slight Gore
Human death ☻️

The wind blew threw the trees, stirring the brush and rattling the branches of the large trees. A small bird ruffled its black and white feathers after preening itself with its long and narrow beak. It chirps before gliding over to another branch and starting to preen itself once more.

A sudden gust of wind spooked the bird and it quickly flew off. The small disturbance caused by the bird stirred you awake. You opened your optics and watched as it swiftly flew back to where it had come from. The 'branch' the bird had landed on was actually one of your tusks which woke you from your slumber. The sound of your gears turning and shifting when you stretched.

Hastily, you got up, your large spider-like body seemed to be hovering over the ground. The squawking of the small nesting birds filled your audio receptors which brought a small smile to your face. Almost every day since you've arrived started like this; peaceful and always the most beautiful of sceneries. And in your opinion, it was quite a nice place for an organic planet. The stories you were told back on Cybertron about more humid places like these, definitely were proven to be false, by you of course.

The tine-like tip of each tarsus kept you balanced as you pushed through the thick brush to a small waterfall you rarely visited for many reasons. One of those reasons is the water tended you cause some rust between your armor plates, and what's even worse is that the mud got caked there too! Reason two would be these... two-legged creatures that would walk about. They were loud, disturbed the quiet bliss of the forest, and spooked the poor small Seekers (birds). As much as it bothered you, you didn't interfere since they usually went back to where they came from when night arrived.

Now, let's get back to your view. Your frame was far from narrow which made it a bit hard to get through the thick brush without rubbing or hitting the trees on accident. And not to mention how the twigs that dangled down nicked your face plate which as a result, made you say some not-so-nice things.

After a while, you finally made it to the small waterfall. This place was called "Catarata La.. coko"?something like that. You heard the small two legs refer to this place by that designation.

The unbothered silence let you know that it was only you and your surroundings. No other creatures besides the small Seekers (birds). While resting there a few of them came and landed on your tusks, some carried small twigs and snigs of fur. You were so focused on watching them interact and squawk at one another that you didn't hear or acknowledge a group of the small two legs coming closer. Only did you turn away when a bright flash from your peripheral brings you back to reality.

A small hiss came from you when you snapped your attention to a group of humans. There were 4 of them.. one with a camera and the rest had hiking gear on their backs. The one with the camera slowly looked up seeing you staring at them all.

They looked at one another and stepped back from you. "Where do you think you're going..." You spoke in a low and husky voice before quickly getting to your feet and towering over the small humans. They all screeched in fear before dropping their supplies and trying to make a run for it, but that was quickly shot down by two of the stragglers when you grabbed them with your large servos. It didn't matter to you that the other two (the one with the camera was the one that escaped) had gotten away.

Coldly glaring down at them you moved your face closer in an intimidating manner. And just when you think you have the upper hand, one of the humans wedged their small servos free and shoots some bright red beam at one of your optics. From there on hell breaks loose for you. The one who had shot you was thrown at a large tree and fell about 16 feet from the air, hitting and smacking thick beaches on the way down. And for the other human well when you were trying to recover your vision in your one optic, you had dropped that one of the ground and skewered it with one of your tarsus...oops.

After a hot minute, you realized what you had done and looked at the one human by the tree and the one under you. The one near the tree, their body looked disfigured and out of place. The other had its energon leaking from its top right chassis.

"Ew..." You hissed quietly and picked up the bloody body before tossing it across the river and onto the other side. Usually, you felt sad when making accidents like this, but in this case, you had no sympathy for these creatures.. these odd creatures.

(Word count: 863)

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