03- Hunter or Prey?

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Gore, violence, and some more deeeeaaathh


(chapter 3 will take place 1 day later in the evening from chapter 2. And you're still in your bot mode)


That was the noise the 3rd drone you had gotten swarmed by today had made when you tossed it to the ground without much of a care. The small tad bit of anger you once had drained away with a shaking breath from you but left exhaustion in its wake.

They were like those yellow and black things that would suddenly swarm you when you got too close to their nests. And they were armed too! You didn't come out unscathed since it 'stung' you but in reality, it only nicked an exposed cord. Spot the difference between the two if you dare.

You crouched down and analyzed them. Some sparks popped from the cluster of ripped wires and cords. That wasn't what caught your attention though, what did was the faint letters 'M' then an 'E' but that was all you could make out given the fact that the parts to the drones were demolished.

You tilted your helm in curiosity, nudging the shell of the drone looking for any more letters, but the broken shards made it a hard puzzle to put together. You stood back up and just stared down at the bundle of debris thinking of what to do with it.


A small voice in the back of your processor spoke which you ignored for obvious reasons. You continued to think, but you were snapped back to reality and just about jumped out of your armor from a very small yet audible 'beep'. It sounded like a higher-pitched beep; like an alarm and it was coming from...your right arm?

You grumbled under your breath and tried to find the source of the noise but to no avail, until you looked under the gap between your shoulder and arm. In the narrow gap, hidden right there was a small orange glowing patch. It made the beep noise again which didn't spook you this time but instead annoyed you. In a desperate attempt to get it out, you tried to dig it out with your digits but they wouldn't fit between your shoulder plate and arm and as a result, your precious paint had a small little chip removed.

Your antics only stopped when you heard a loud chuffing (search it up) sound of something passing over you. Your optics scanned the sky and you saw four large metal pods passing over, much like the drones but much, much bigger in size.

"What in the all spark..?" You muttered under your breath watching them pass over. Never has human transportation ever come that close to the forest. Usually, they landed near the opening. It made you feel uneasy but you didn't dare follow and kept your guard up for the time being.

Somewhere else...

The bright sun in the sky was starting to set over the west horizon and the moon was already coming up on the east. A heavy thrumming sound is heard not too far from the tropical forest. Four large armored objects as two UH-60 helicopters followed by two large CH-47s. There were about four men in each of the two black UH-60s. They were each covered in similar armor; black tactical gear and tinted goggles protecting their eyes from the harsh wind. They are also armed with weapons.

The helicopters all land in a large open meadow right along the outskirts of the treeline. They got into two different lines and got into formation. Meanwhile, a woman in a white lawsuit stepped out from the co-pilot seat and stood in front of them. She stood there and shouted some orders before heading back into the UH-60 she was in before. The military personnel are left standing there for a moment. They split into pairs of two, grabbing their essentials that are in small individual duffle bags before marching into the forest. None of them knew how long it'd take for them to walk out with what they came for and how many would walk out alive.

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