Chapter 6: The Yin and the Yang

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Lisa hadn't forgotten about the time when she met Tina. She seemed like a nice extrovertive girl, even if she seemed a little tough and mean at first. She tried to find Tina all over of the school, but to no dismay. There was just one place that Lisa hadn't checked. The library!  

Lisa's initial visit to the library wasn't exactly as planned, leaving her in tears. Ever since then, she only ever went in the mornings when it was empty. To Lisa's dismay, Tina was not in the library, but she noticed this one girl who was sitting alone reading a book. As she got nearer, she saw it was Harry Potter. She sat down across from her and took a deep breath before saying, "Um... hi!" 

Luckily, the girl seemed to find this the most interesting part of her day. "Hi! Are you new as well?"

"Yeah! What's your name?"

"I'm Sky. Sky Johnson. And you?"

I'm Lisa. Lisa Martin." They continued chatting for quite a while before it was unfortunately time for them to head to class. Over the next few days, Lisa and Sky had become the best of friends, as they both hung out together at the library. They shared quite a bit in common too. They both loved to draw, and they were both avid Potterheads.

 Eventually, after not seeing Tina for quite some time and getting to know Sky instead, Lisa asked Sky over to her house. She was quite excited and had spent the entire week planning. 

"Would you like to come over after school today, my mum is giving me permission just this once", Lisa asked. 

"Definitely! I'd love to come. I've never been to a friend's house before. Let me see if my mum will let me." Sky replied. She pulled out her phone and texted her mum quickly. "She said yes! I'm so grateful. We'll meet at the library and walk down to your house together. But only if I'm back before six." 

The rest of the school day passed in a blur. As soon as the school bell rang signaling the end of class, Lisa hurried down to the library, where she met Sky ready to go. However, as they walked down to her house, Lisa caught the sight of a familiar pair of glasses and black hair that she'd seen before. Sure enough, Tina was standing with who looked clearly familiar as Chloe. The two were laughing about some joke, she guessed. Lisa felt heartbroken. She had spent all those weeks trying to find the one person she thought would be a good friend, only to find that person had befriended the one person that Lisa despised. 

"Come on Lisa! What are you waiting for?" Sky called. Lisa smiled. She felt a little weird about Tina and Chloe, but she had her own best friend, Sky. They were the Yin and the Yang. 

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