Chapter 9: Broken Friendships

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The effect of not being part of the musical had on Lisa was quite disturbing. She moped from class to class and didn't bother to talk to Sky at all. What was even more sad was that Sky, Tina, Ivy and Chloe were all in it. Sky wasn't even a good actor. This wasn't fair! Why did bad luck always visit her? She worked hard, harder than her friends and classmates. She'd done her best, and she still couldn't believe it. 

"Are you ok, Lis?" Only one person would have called her that. Sky. What was her problem? She got into the musical and Lisa hadn't. Wasn't she happy? 

"What do you want?" Lisa asked bitterly. Sky looked taken aback. 

"I only wanted to check on you. You've been ignoring me lately, ever since you saw the cast lists", she replied. 

"A lot you care!" Lisa muttered loud enough for her to hear. 

"I care a lot, actually. You don't care! Do you think I want to be in the musical?  I'M NOT A ACTOR!" Sky yelled into Lisa's face. Sky had never yelled at her. Well, she had never yelled at anyone. She was such a calm, controlled person, unlike Lisa. 

Sky stormed from the cafeteria, where Lisa was eating her lunch. Suddenly, she didn't feel like eating her lunch anymore. Sky had come to support and comfort Lisa, and instead of feeling grateful, she'd acted in a rude and spiteful manner. No wonder Chloe was mean to her, since when was she ever nice in the first place. Chloe only did what Lisa did to her. If Chloe had changed and tried to be nice to Lisa, why was she still being mean to Chloe? 

It's not my fault, thought Lisa. It wasn't her fault that she had social anxiety disorder. She was prone to it, having had parents going through anxiety. Lisa had had social anxiety for as long as she was diagnosed with it when she was five years old. But still, it hurt that no one took it seriously or understood what it was like. 

Lisa threw the rest of her lunch away and walked to class. She felt depressed. She had lost her best friend; someone she could rely on to help and support her when she needed it. Not to mention, Chloe and Ivy had gotten into musical. She knew she should try to understand Chloe, but it was going to be hard. And what about Tina? She was sure Tina would hate her now, and she'd only talked with her once. 

"Are you ok?" Asked a sudden voice. Lisa looked up and nearly had a heart attack. It was Tina. 

"Oh, I'm fine", Lisa replied, trying to act calm, but she was screaming on the inside. 

"Well, I saw your name was under the callbacks on the cast list, which is surprising because I LOVED your acting." She replied. 

"Oh thanks", Lisa said, whilst blushing a deep shade of red. She could see that Tina had also turned a bright shade of red. 

"So, you're ok with it? You're not mad about it? I heard you and Sky had a fight. That's tough, but you can always talk to me, you know!" 

"Well, ok. But don't worry, I'll go talk to Ms. Evans. I'm sure there were others who didn't make it", Lisa replied calmly. 

"Well ok. Bye!" She waved off and they both went their separate ways. As Lisa walked to the head teacher's office, she suddenly became nauseous. Why didn't she get in? Was she a bad actor? Or student? Was Ms. Evans going to yell at her to get out of her office? 

"Ms.? You wanted to see me?" Lisa asked timidly. 

Tina quickly walked away from her. Yikes, why did she have to go up to Lisa? She was feeling quite embarrassed. The truth was, Tina had a secret. She would not know what to do if anyone found out. It was that she had a crush on Lisa. Ever since she met her, she'd been avoiding her for this reason. She couldn't bear the embarrassment. And also, what Chloe would think. 

"Hey bestie!" Chloe waved from the other end of the corridor. Her and Chloe were best friends. Sometimes she wondered what Chloe would say if she found out her friend had a crush on her enemy. She also couldn't tell her parents since they were homophobic. 

"Soooo, what were you just doing?" Chloe asked eagerly. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" Tina asked, without thinking. Chloe just rolled her eyes. 

"Ugh, you are soooo annoying! I know you were just talking to someone. I HOPE it's not Lisa who you were talking to, because you know what I think of her. She's such an idiot!" Chloe replied bitterly. 

"She can't be that bad", Tina said, absentmindedly, mind still on Lisa. 

"Puh-lease! You haven't even met her! She's a self-absorbed diva! Now come one. Let's go to your house!" And together the two walked down to Tina's house. But she couldn't help but think, what was it that Chloe was holding against Lisa? Oh well! She'd find out eventually. 

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