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season seven, episode three

the chief of orthopaedic surgery sat in the conference room where andrew perkins was telling all the higher surgeons about the surgeons who still weren't cleared, "almost all of the surgeons in your program have been cleared to operate," the traum...

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the chief of orthopaedic surgery sat in the conference room where andrew perkins was telling all the higher surgeons about the surgeons who still weren't cleared, "almost all of the surgeons in your program have been cleared to operate," the trauma counsellor admitted, "the remaining cases will be referred to dr wyatt, she'll clear those people when she feels they're ready,"

"what about alison? has she been cleared?"

the surgeon nods her head taking out the yellow cleared to operate sheet from her lab coat, "i have," she said making derek half smile, "ok, what about cristina yang? what's the timeline there?" the neurosurgeon asked, "dr Perkins felt that we should assign dr yang to something low stress for a few months, research, admin duties," their chief of surgery told them all.

"administration?" alison then said, "that's the best you can do?" she asked when richard looked to the orthopaedic surgeon, "put her on—" derek then interrupted, "put her on my service," the man said, "she's not on anyone's service, derek, she'll be in the hospital but she won't go near a surgery,"

derek played with the straw of his drink, "you do that and she'll leave, she will not come back to this program, put her on my service," the neurosurgeon demanded, "i already tried it, derek," the hunt male explained, "hunt's right, she's not ready," a surgeon said.

dr bailey leaned forwards, "she wasn't ready before, maybe she is now," she suggested, "i think we should give it a shot," mark agreed, "especially if nothing else is working," arizona added as alison looked to her girlfriend, "she crawled under a table in the or two weeks ago,"

the trauma counsellor said, "thank you," some of the surgeons and attending agreed as alison just kept her mouth shut, "if she goes, i go," the neurosurgeon admitted to them, "that's insane," richard replied, "that doesn't—"

"if she goes, i go!"

the neurosurgeon repeated again as alison ran a hand through her brunette hair as everyone started to leave the room, "dr yang, you're with me," derek said to his wife's best friend, "no, i'm—"

"derek," alison tried to say going to stop the shepherd male as he lead away his wife and his wife's best friend away.


the two lesbian lovers sat in the attending's lounge, "talk to cristina," arizona said to her girlfriend, who sighed, "i can't push her," alison tried with her girlfriend, "in two weeks my landlord is gonna hand keys to a swedish couple, with a truckload of swedish furniture and i said i'd be gone,"

alison sighed, when looking to the cardio god who was in the lounge with them, "teddy, can you mention it to owen, like casually, hey, how's the apartment search going? no pressure, but alison and arizona have a life, you're crowding them in alison's house and arizona can't handle it," she said to the cardio surgeon.

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