Chapter 8: Always ready to catch you when you fall

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If I'd never met you,
I wouldn't feel the pain
Of losing your sweet love;
I wouldn't feel insane.

But if I'd never met you,
I wouldn't know the pleasure
Of ecstasy's warm gifts
And memories to treasure.

Now moving on with life,
I force a wistful grin,
Questioning what went wrong,
Wondering what might have been.

- Joanna Fuchs

The boy did not have time to go too far when he heard the sound of the door opening behind him

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The boy did not have time to go too far when he heard the sound of the door opening behind him. He looked back, seeing the raging chaos coming straight towards him.

"How could you?!" Sumi spat, grabbing his shirt, throwing him against the wall. "How could you stand there so calmly, and do nothing?!"

Donghyuck stared at the girl in shock, not moving an inch.

"I saw you giving me those  looks, and I am sure I was not the only one whom he wanted to hurt, right!?"
Sumi screamed as tears threatened to stream down her cheeks. Out of this frustration, she started slamming the boy's chest with her fists, even though, she did not hurt him. 

With each blow, she grew weaker until she finally stopped hitting while still clutching his shirt. Not having the strength to do anything, the ground beneath Sumi's feet disappeared, and the girl staggered, falling onto boy's body.

Donghyuck grabbed her slender body, trying to put her back on her feet, but it was impossible, so he fell to the floor with her. The girl sat, hiding her face in her hands, and the boy sat next to her at a small distance, looking ahead.

He did not know how to behave. Should he say something? Should he pat her on the back? Hug her? Donghyuck was lost, especially since he felt nothing towards the girl. When he was about to  reach out his hand, Sumi rose from the ground, wiping away the tears building up in her eyes. The boy shot into the air, walking towards her; she just shook her head to let him know to stay where he was.

"I wanted to help you."
Donghyuck whispered, looking at the girl expectantly.

"Why do you hang out with them?"

Silence met her.

"You are just like them."
Sumi said looking at the floor, and moved forward returning to the nurse's office.

"Sumi said looking at the floor, and moved forward returning to the nurse's office

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