Chapter 30: Don't try to stop me

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"I cling to you,
I want to dance
with your soul,
feel the sparks on my fingertips,
and rest on your bones because I promised
'Till Death do Us apart"

- Nixxonny

- Nixxonny

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The familiar voice was enough to jolt the girl out of her deep emotion. Raising her head from her knees, she saw the silhouette of an older woman running towards her.

"Mrs. Lee!" Sumi screamed in a broken voice, moving from the seat to dive into the old woman's warm arms as quickly as possible.

"D-Donghyuck...h-he almost s-stopped breathing." Sumi blurted out the words, unable to control the yelping, and the convulsions her body went into. Tears ran down her cheeks as the old woman stroked her head. Seeing the teenager's condition, Mrs. Lee could not hold back her tears either. She was very afraid for her grandson, and the situation reminded her of the accident of the boy's parents, also that she had to comfort him just like Sumi at that moment.

"T-there was a lot of b-blood a-around him." Sumi cried, tightening her grip on the woman's waist.

"Come on, let us sit, and calm down. Then you can tell me what happened." Mrs. Lee mumbled, lightly pushing Sumi towards the plastic chairs.

After telling the whole story, the two women sat in a comfortable silence, waiting for updates on the boy's condition. Every time a staff member came out from behind the door, the women would raise their heads abruptly, their eyes darting around to find any sign that Donghyuck was doing well.

When they started a small discussion againㅡ trying not to go crazy in the dead silence, one of the doctors who had participated in the operation, came out from behind the door.

"Good evening. You must be Donghyuck's family?" The middle-aged man asked calmly, but there was a note of sympathy in his voice. They nodded, waiting patiently for any information about his condition.

"After examining Donghyuck, we noticed a few broken ribs, which must have been caused by constant physical abuseㅡ but of course it was nothing serious. However as a result of a strong blow to the head, the boy suffered a slight concussion."

Sumi covered her mouth with hands, feeling her legs turn to cottonwool. Not wanting to fall to the ground from helplessness at an unexpected moment, she linked her arm with the old lady.

"He is currently in a comaㅡ"

"When will he wake up?" Sumi asked in a quiet voice.

"No one knows that, my dear." The doctor replied with concern in his voice after seeing the pain in the girl's eyes. "As I said, he is in a coma, and connected to a hospital respirator, because unfortunately, he cannot breathe on his own." He sighed heavily. "All we can do is wait, and pray that he wakes up."

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