Chapter 12- Don't Wait Up

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Rosalie's POV-

The emotions left as soon as they came, his eyes hardened and turned cold, his face almost hateful, a look he's never given me before.

"Forget about it and never speak of it again," his voice almost deadly as he turned and walked back inside while I stood there too shocked to move.

Who the hell was this person to turn Leo into such a despicable person?

My eyes scanned the huge backyard feeling lonely all of a sudden. I sighed and took out my phone seeing that it was around 5 already.

I walked inside not sure on where to go.

"Miss? Are you lost?" I heard behind me.

I turned and faced a sweet looking old lady, that was wearing a maid uniform, "Yes, hi I'm Rosalie," I introduced myself as I stuck out my hand.

"Hello, I'm Marta," she smiled, shaking my hand gently.

"Um, do you know where my room is?" I asked.

"Yes, its the master bedroom," she smiled, my eyes went wide. Isn't that supposed to be Leo's room?

"Am I supposed to be sharing a room with Leo?!" I almost screamed.

"Um yes? Is that not ok?" she asked.

"Can my things be moved to another room please? I will not be sharing a room with him. Matter of fact, do you know where he is?" my anger was coming out.

"He left a few minutes ago with his friend Jared," she answered and I internally rolled my eyes, of course he left.

"Well, can you tell me where the master bedroom is? And also where my new room will be please? I'll be leaving tonight," I explained.

"Yes, the master bedroom is on the third floor, doors all the way at the end and your new bedroom with be the door next to the master one on the right," she explained.

"Thank you," i smiled before running up the stairs.

I went down to the last doors, opening the master bedroom noticing my stuff over the the living room...not joking, there is literally another living room in this room. I didn't pay much attention to anything else as I grabbed the clothes I need to go out, changing into black leather pants, boots, a white V-Neck and my leather vest. I straightened my hair and for once I didn't spray my hair pink. I sprayed some perfume, kept my make up simple and walked downstairs. I said thank you to Marta and walked outside noticing my car parked in front with the keys inside.

I decided some drinks would be nice right about now, I didn't even care if I was alone.

I arrived to the nearest club, parked and immediately got in, since I knew the bouncer, he used to work at a club in New Mexico... don't ask about what I was doing there...

The music was blasting, the smell of sweat, alcohol, smoke and sex lingered in the air. I walked to the bar getting started on some shots.

"Hey, I'm Dee-Dee!" I turned to see an energetic girl sitting next to me. She had bright red hair and blue eyes. She was gorgeous.

"Hi, I'm Rose," I smiled, downing another shot.

"I've never seen you here before, are you new?" she asked.

"Yup, first time," I answered.

"You seem troubled, is it guy trouble?" she asked.

"How'd you know?" I questioned.

"Well, you're downing booze like nothing, you're dressed hot and if you did come with someone or were looking for a good time, you wouldn't be sulking at the bar like loser," she stated bluntly.

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