Chapter 18- Company

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Rose's POV-

I groaned again as I buried my head back into my pillow. My stomach churned and I once again groaned as I snuggled into my blankets, being cold and hot at the same time. 

"How's my baby doing?" Leo asked as he sat next to me and took my temperature. I just grumbled in response, just wanting to take a nap, but he wouldn't let, at least not yet. He's been putting cold clothes all over my body trying to cool me down. 

"Hmm still a little over 100," he said as he felt my forehead before kissing it and putting a cloth soaked in alcohol on my head, apparently alcohol helps cool down a fever and I believed it considering my temperature was over 102 this morning. 

"Drink this for your stomach," he handed me a glass of ginger ale, did I mention I threw up as soon as I woke up? Well yeah that happened and it sucked. 

"The soup is almost done, I'll bring it up in a few minutes," I whined, I wasn't hungry and I just wanted to go to sleep! 

"I'm not hungry!" 

"Don't care, you have to eat something before I give you medicine," Leo stood up grabbing the now empty glass and going downstairs. 

Geez, he was like an overprotective mother.

Half an hour later, after much pointless struggling, I was sitting on Leo's lap getting fed like a three year old. 

"Open wide!" I could hear the amusement behind his voice.

"I just want to sleep!" I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"A few more scoops and I'll let you eat," he bargained. 

I ended up eating the whole bowl of soup before Leo have me a spoon full of medicine and finally, FINALLY, I was able to go to sleep. 

Leo's POV- (yay!)

I smiled as I closed the door to our bedroom and let Rosie sleep. Hopefully when she wakes up she'll be better. 

This stomach bug came out of nowhere, maybe it was because of all the ice cream she had yesterday.

I went down to my office and went over a few contracts, signed some and then looked over some statistics. A few hours later I heard the door bell ring. Today was one of Marta's days off so, very reluctantly I stood up and went to answer the door. 

When I opened the door, I was greeted by Dee-Dee, Frankie, Caleb and Patrick. 

"Hey guys!" I greeted the girls with a hug and the guys with the bro hug as I let them in. 

"Hey, haven't seen you since the incident. We came to see how Rose is," Caleb said. 

"Yeah, I've been busy taking care of her and doing work at home," I answered.

"Where is she by the way?" Dee still wasn't happy with me, but she was slowly warming up. 

"Napping, woke up with a sick stomach and a fever," I answered. 

"Aww the poor girl," Patrick said.

"First the accident, now this?" Frankie pouted.

"That's not all, she fainted yesterday, had my private doctor come check her. He said she was too dehydrated, but I've been giving he plenty of water all day."

"Oh gosh," Dee shook her head. 

"Speaking of her, I'm going to see if she's awake yet, help yourself to anything!" I called back as I ran up the stairs. 

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