Chapter 33- Gone

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Rosie's POV-

It's been 3 days since the news of our threat being eliminated. Everything's been calmer and I can't say that these days of relaxation have been anything but perfect. Leo's been heading to the office to clear up any messes that are around after the gossip of him and all of us being involved in anything illegal. Patrick and Caleb going along with them, thankfully Caleb has decided to stay, for how long I don't know, but I can tell it's affecting Dee in a weird way. She's been more quiet lately, more so than usual. She worries me and I'll have to have a conversation with her later. 

I had just finished making lasagna for dinner, Dee and Frankie were helping me make some garlic bread and salad. 

We heard the front door slam and the voices of the guys a few seconds later. 

"Hmm, what smells so good?" Leo questioned as came towards me greeting me with a kiss and a hug. 

"I'm making lasagna for dinner," I smiled.

We heard a phone ring and we all looked towards our phones, Dee was the one to get up and excuse herself. Who could that be...

Leo gave my neck a kiss and it brought me out of my thoughts. "Okay move, I need to take the lasagna out of the oven," I shoved him as I grabbed the oven mitts that were on top of the kitchen counter. 


After dinner everyone headed to the living room to watch a movie, well everyone except Dee. She was deathly quiet, barely eating. We were all worried for her, especially Caleb no matter how hard he tried to hide it. The concern was there in his eyes. 

"I'm really worried about her," I whispered quietly to Leo as I was snuggled up next to him. Patrick and Frankie were sitting at the end of the couch, with her on his lap. Caleb was sitting on the single couch to our left, his legs up on the coffee table. 

"I know you are, we are too," he whispered back. 

"You know what I'm going to go check up on her," I said as I got up.

I took one look at Frankie and nodded getting up and following me. We walked to the room Dee was occupying and knocked. 

"Dee, can we come in?"

We knocked once more and nothing.

"Dee?" I turned the knob and slowly opened the door, being quiet in case she was asleep.

There was nothing there....Literally the room was empty. We walked in, "Dee?" Frankie went to check her bathroom and I saw something laying on her bed. 

It was a letter, panic started to settle with in me. I opened it and was greeted with Dee's handwriting.

To whoever is reading this,

I'm sorry. Please tell everyone that I'm okay and to not look for me. I love you all, but the pain I feel within me is too deep. If I stay here any longer, I know for a fact I'll break.

There's an envelope under my pillow, please give it to Caleb.

With love, 


"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I voiced out my thoughts.

"What?" Frankie came out. I handed her the letter as my hands went under the pillows. I pulled out a big yellow envelope and Caleb's name was written on the front.

"She's gone," Frankie whispered. 

"Come on," I felt an anger deep within me. 

"SHE'S GONE!" I yelled. The guys jumped with a start, all three pulling out their guns.

"Oh don't aim those things at me!" I screamed. 

"What's wrong? Who's gone?" Leo asked.

"Dee, she'e gone," Frankie whispered as she basically collapsed in Patrick's arms. 

"Here, this is for you," I handed Caleb the envelope.

He looked really lost, but opened it and looked at the contents inside.

Caleb's POV-

I opened the envelope and took out the stack of papers inside. There was a letter on top of them.

Dear Caleb,

I leave these papers to you, do what you wish with them. By now you must've all realized I'm gone and I'm sorry. I feel this pain deep within me and I'm not sure if it's the frustration I feel with not being able to remember anything, or if it's because of this stupid amnesia that scared you away. 

Everyday I slowly feel myself falling into this black tunnel of dark thoughts. I can't bear to feel this way anymore. The thought of ending it all has passed my thoughts more times that I wish they had. The truth is, I'm scared Caleb. I'm scared and I know no one can help me. I'm all alone on this one. I need to escape this depression and being here, in this environment... it isn't helping. I'm doing what I think is best for me right now and one step to trying to live to set you free. 

These are the papers you once left me, I never had the guts to sign them because I felt as if I did I would be losing the only thing that gave me comfort in who I really was. I've come to the realization that that's too selfish of me. You wanted your freedom and I was keeping you back. Seems like something's never change huh...I won't be a set back in your life any longer Caleb. I did it once and I'm not planning on repeating past mistakes...

I hope you find the happiness you deserve Caleb and I'm sorry I wasn't the one to give it to you.

With all the love I have,


I blinked away the tears that were fresh in my eyes as I looked at all the papers...At the end was her signature right next to mine. She signed the divorce papers...


Super short...

Looks like it wasn't Caleb who decided to leave..

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Next chapter is the epilogue...

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