Chapter 29- Training

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Rosie's POV-

"This if torture!" Frankie groaned as she fell onto the ground. I had literally just kicked her ass at hand combat.

"You two are progressing. I'm very impressed," Gerald the personal trainer we hired to teach all these techniques, he has a huge military background so we knew he'd be the best for the job. It's been more than a week with no contact with the guys and just pure training from 6am to 8pm. Only the occasional break to eat or use the bathroom. Sleep is limited to about 4 hours every night because once we're done with Gerald we spar until the wee hours of the morning. We are taking this seriously if you haven't noticed.

We refuse to answer any of the guys calls, only text them that we're fine and that we miss them. First two days Frankie and I spent it observing the guards they had on us. They were only posted outside of whatever building we were in and they checked up on us during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Every morning we make it seem like we're going to visit Dee, and we do for half hour before the three of us leave through the underground part of the hospital dressed as nurses and make sure to come back whenever they're meant to do a check up. I'm assuming our plans are going great since we haven't gotten any angry voice mails or texts about asking on where we've been sneaking off to.

For the first half of the week we didn't agree to Dee training with us because we were still here to help her, so we made a deal that she would take all the tests she needed to take in order to find out everything we can on her condition and she agreed. After the doctor's were done making tests on her she's been sneaking out and training with us. We paid off a few nurses to tell whoever would try to enter into the room that we were busy doing stuff. They had our back.

We have definitely gotten in great shape, our stomach's are so toned I'm pretty proud to admit all I wear are crop tops these days. I may or may no have gotten my stomach pierced one day when we were at the mall grabbing some lunch. One quick stop to a jewelry store and I was set, we actually all got our belly pierced. Anyways, I feel like we're ready. We've quickly learned how to shoot all different types of guns, hand to hand combat, dirty combat in case those wankers decided to pull a fast one on us. We've used knives, learned how to get out of a tied up position and how to get out of any types of headlocks they'd put us in, if they got the chance to that is.

We had planned to leave tonight. We had already trained from 6am to 10am, then we have to pack all our stuff (did I forget to mention that the three of us bought a whole bunch of things ranging from daggers to semi-automatic guns and grenades? No, well we did) and have a quick talk with Dee's doctors before heading to the airport, where Dee and Frankie's private jet will be waiting for us. We've already said goodbye to Dee and Frankie's parents. They were here for about half a week when Dee was doing all her tests, before they had to go to an emergency meeting in New York. It pained them to leave and were very hesitant but we all assured them that she would never be alone and if anything came up they would be informed right away.

"I'm very proud of the progress you three have done for the time you have been with me. I've never seen soldiers as quick learners, tough and skilled as you three. It's sad to say goodbye, but I know you're due back in the states," Gerald has sai as he said goodbye to us.

"Don't worry, we'll be hiring you soon. We have to handle a few things, but we'll carry on training because even if it might be painful at times, it's very fun and entreating," I said.

"Oh yes definitely, you'll be coming with us," we grinned at his shocked face.

"We know you've always wanted to go to the states, so we're giving you the opportunity. I'll be back in one week for more tests and therapy, but when I leave you'll be tagging along," Dee said.

He nodded and grinned at us before we went into a group hug.


Alright we were all packed and ready to go, all that was left to do was talk with Dee's specialists.

"Thank you ladies for meeting us," one of them said. "These are your MRI scans," they motioned to the photos on the screen in front of us.

We nodded and motioned for them to continue. "As you can see this is a normal MRI scan...." for about an hour they explained to us the difference between Dee's brain and that of a normal one. We tried to understand what they were saying and we did, but we didn't know where they were getting at.

"What does this all mean?"

"What we have to say isn't easy..." they trailed off. "It seems, well according to our results, that....Ms. Deandra's condition is...permanent," we all gasped.

"WHAT?!" Frankie and I shouted.

"B-b-but I've been getting small flashbacks! Dreams too! This can't be permanent!" Dee cried as she banged her hands against the table.

"We're sorry, but that's as far as the memories will go. You'll be receiving the same flashbacks and dreams, right now, we don't see many options. Trust that we are doing absolutely everything we can to figure out some type of solution. We have already gotten in contact with some specialists in Tokyo and France. We will have some type of answer when you return for your next appointment in one week."

Leaving that office, we were all numb and quiet, trying to fully process the new information that we received today. It wasn't until we were seated in the jet, Dee siting next to Frankie staring out the window and me sitting in front of them.

"No matter what happens Dee, we will always be here for you. Memories or not, we're still by your side," I said as I patted her hand and instantly Frankie agreed as she wrapped an arm around her sister.

"I've lost my memories, precious memories, I've lost a husband because of it....: she mumbled.

"Anytime you want to remember something ask me, I've been through everything with you, we share the same memories!" Frankie said.

"BUT YOU REMEMBER THEM! I HAVE TO HAVE SOMEONE TELL ME THEM! You could explain a memory as best as you can, but it will never be the same to having my own..." she cried. "I feel this pain in my chest everyday, like something's missing. I-I just don't know if it's the memories that I want," she cried in Frankie's arms.

Frankie looked at me and we shared a look. Caleb. She's missing Caleb.

"Back in the office you said you were having flashbacks and dreams. What were they about?" I asked.

"A-at first I didn't understand them. I kept seeing two people...they were so in love. As the days would go on I kept having dreams of the two and I came to terms that it was me and- and C-Caleb. Later came small ones of Frankie and I, some of me and Rose, that's about it," she answered.

If she's been having memories of those around her, then that means there has to be some type of hope for her and her memories.

"Everything will work out in the end, you just wait Dee. Next week we'll receive some chance of hope, you just have to have a little faith that everything will be ok," Frankie whispered to her sister.

Faith and hope is what we needed right now.


Hey guys! Finally an update! Sorry it took a while but here it is. I'm already working on the next update!

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