Chapter 13- Biker Out to Play

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Leo's POV-

I was seething in anger, my hands were clenching into fists and I was breathing hard.


"Ok Leo, calm down now," Julie tried to calm me down but if anything my anger seemed to spike even more.

I took out my phone, "Caleb, I need you to track a phone for me, once you get the location, meet me at the warehouse, tell Patrick to come too. Harley's, East Side." I said before hanging up and heading upstairs ingnoring Juliet's plea's for me not to do this. I didn't want to do this the hard way, I wanted to introduce Rosie to the club at the right time and in a good matter. I wanted to give them the surprise that I've finally settled down and found myself an 'old lady' as we like to call the women we think are 'the one.' Cheesy I know, but those are the rules of the MC.

I changed into dark jeans, a black V-neck, black biker boots, my leather vest and my dog tags. I grabbed my keys to my Harley and my phone.

Half an hour later I arrived to the club's ware house, or hang out, Caleb, being my VP and Patrick being my Sergeant. "What do you have?" I asked Caleb.

"Well, from the phone number you texted me, this person is downtown, at the mall," he said.

I cracked my neck, "Let's ride," I said.

"Quick question," Caleb said. I didn't turn but I stopped and listened.

"Who is it?" Patrick asked.

"My old lady," I smirked before getting on my Harley, they were shocked, but the sound of my Harley made them move quickly. I pulled out with them two behind me. We arrived at the mall and parked right in front, I didn't take off my shades, so that people wouldn't notice me. I turned my head towards Caleb who also didn't take his shades off along with Patrick.

"Straight," he said looking at his phone.

They followed me as I listened to Caleb who gave me silent directions on where to go. after a lot of turns we ended up in front of the go cart arena. I walked in with both of them behind me, we instantly got looks from everyone, but we ignored them.

My eyes scanned around the track, trying to spot a certain blonde. "YES!" I looked over and saw exactly who I was looking for get out of a go car with another dude, she jumped into his arms and he spun her around.

I glared at them before going in that direction. Rose had her back to me and the rest of her little friends looks at us with wide eyes.

"Found you," I whispered in Rose's ear, she tensed and before she could turn around I wrapped an arm around her waist.

"You've been a bad girl...and you know what happens to bad girls?" I asked as she shivered.

She stayed silent, "They get punished, " I said before turning her and hoisting her up on my shoulder.

"Hey man! What the fuck?!" Oh I recognized that voice.

My head snapped to him, he was the one hugging Rose.

I walked up to him and grabbed his shirt, "You call my girl 'babe' or 'baby' again and the cops will find you in a trash bag, sliced up into little pieces," I whispered before turning around.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I looked over to see Caleb hoisting up a girl with bright red hair onto his shoulder. He looked at me and grinned, I smirked as I heard another scream, this chick had bright blue hair, Patrick picked her up and all three girls threw curses and empty threats to us. We started to walk away when we heard all four guys yell out the girls names.

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