Chapter 24- Really?!

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Rosie's POV-

"WAKE UP!" I gasped awake to the stinging pain I only cheek. I looked up and noticed there was now light in the room. I looked up and stared at Alexander who was smirking down at me.

"Its been 6 hours since you've been taken and not one word from you little lover. Hmm seems like he doesn't care," Alexander smirked.

"Fuck you!" I spat.

"Oh sweetie you already have," he spat back before turning around and leaving. I looked towards the chair next to me, Frankie was passed out and her face was bruised. I took a deep breathe before turning towards my right and gasped.

Dee was lying on her stomach and the worst part, a puddle of blood that was now surrounding her. Her skin was almost translucent and the left side of her face was all purple and blue. Oh my gosh what did they do to her?!

Suddenly there were shouts from outside and they woke Frankie with a gasp.

We stared at the door intently and before we knew it, the door was opened and a body was thrown inside.

"So much for the warm welcome!" Patrick called out as he sat on his ads with his hands tied behind his back.

He looked over at me and grinned. I sighed, so much for our rescue.

"P-Patrick," Frankie cried. Patrick's eyes snapped to hers and widened when he saw her face but they soon turned into anger before softening at the sight of her tears.

"Frankie," he whispered.

"What did they do to you?!" he shouted.

Frankie flinched, "What are you doing here?!" she asked.

"We have a plan, oh before I forget. Rose, I have to tell you something. Leo never really was with those women, he didn't like them but he knew that the only way for you to stay safe he had to make it look like you weren't important to him, but in reality you are his whole life, his words not mine," Patrick finished.

I was now left in my thoughts, "shit," Patrick cursed when his eyes landed on Dee.

Patrick quickly got out of his restraints and ran over to Dee, putting two fingers on her neck. He breathed a sign of relief and so did we because that meant he found a pulse.

"Shit, Caleb is going to go ape shit," he murmured.

He stood up and put his hands down his pants, "really?!" both Frankie and I shouted.

"What? It was the only place they wouldn't check," he shrugged and dialed a number.

"I'm in, yes Rose is fine, Frankie has her a few bruises but you have to hurry because I don't know how long Dee will last. She had a bad head injury, she's pale, her pulse is very weak and she's surrounded by her own blood," he explained. Even from here I could hear someone's voice and not just anyone's it was Caleb's and he was mad.


"I'll untie the girls, you guys do your part," he hung up and ran over to Frankie and then me. We stood up and stretched our stiff muscles.

Suddenly gun shots were heard and Frankie and I dropped to the floor, they were coming from outside. Patrick silenced us when everything went quiet. He slowly opened the door and what we saw shocked us. Alexander, Kevin and Wesley were on the floor groaning.

"Who the fuck hurt Dee," I heard Caleb's low voice.

Kevin laughes, "little bitch thought she could be tough."

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