Chapter 28- Shipped Off

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Leo's POV-

"Alright, so how do we get this son of a bitch?" Patrick asks.

"Easy, we train and then let the fucker know we have his bastard and then take him and the other bastard out when they try to come and destroy us. We'll be ready by then, but we can't let anyone know we have prissy pants and his cousins," I explained.

"And when are we planning to do this?" Dax asked.

"Two weeks," I answered and let them gawk while I thought of Rose, fuck she won't want to leave..

"We'll be ready. We'll send Dee off tomorrow to Switzerland with Frankie, no one knows they're going there, so we'll be fine. Patrick, I need you to tell everyone, club meeting tonight at 10, either show up or leave your cut at the door and never look back," I said as I stood up getting ready to go meet Rose at the hospital.

"Oh, and find Caleb, send someone to get him. I'm done waiting for him. Tell him Killer's aren't pussies. If he doesn't show for this, I'll revoke not only his position, but also his membership and when I do, make sure he knows it won't be pretty," I said with finality as I walked away.

Rosie's POV-

"I'M NOT LEAVING! NO- UGH-WHAT THE-" Leo wrapped his arms around me.

"Rose, I'm not letting you stay, this will get dangerous and bloody. I don't want you to see any of it," he said determined to not let me win.

"I could train with you guys!" I protested.



"I said no."

"Ugghh!" I screamed in frustration.

I turned away from him and stormed to Dee's room where she was still sedated and Frankie was frantically pacing, mumbling to herself about Patrick being a dick.

"I'm guessing Patrick told you to leave too," I said.

"Yes, I mean I want to be with my sister, but my parents are already waiting for her in Switzerland. They didn't bother waiting for their flight here, so since they were already over there, they would meet us at the center. They've already talked about Dee's condition and went over the things that could temporarily help her with the doctor. I'm staying and fighting," she said.

"That's good and same. But how? They'll make sure we're on a plane to Switzerland by tonight!" I said.

"I mean we could go over there, train for two weeks and come back a day or two before the battle goes down. By that time they won't have time to send us off," she thought.

I grinned, "They need us. There's a chance this could all go South and I love them all too much to let that happen," I said.

Frankie nodded, "It wouldn't be right if we didn't fight along side them," she whispered and I nodded in agreement.

"I'm in," our heads snapped towards Dee. Her eyes were half opened.

Frankie and I shared a look, there was no way we'd let her train with us. She's too fragile right now.

"I know you all think I'm weak right now and maybe I am, but this depression is eating me alive. Please, I need something to distract me from the horror that is my life. I won't fight in battle if you don't want me to, but please let me train," she begged, her voice breaking off in some parts.

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