Chapter 1- New Town...New Me

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Rosali's point of view

"We're here," i sighed as i looked at the condos in front of me. i was at least glad it was in a good neighborhood and from the pics online these apartments were amazing! 

"Finally," Theo mumbled. 

We grabbed our bags from the trunk and walked up the steps. We already had our keys and knew that our stuff was in the apartment.

We actually got here yesterday night, but we got here and went straight to bed, when we woke up this morning we went out and have been out all day going shopping, well mostly me. 

We headed straight for the couch and since everything in our apartment was set up we turned on the TV and watched something. 

"I'm hungry," Theo whined after four hours of watching Supernatural on Netflix. 

"Oh Theo you sound like a fucking baby," i said. 

"Then feed me so i can shut up," he pouted.

"Come on, let's see what this town has to offer for dinner," i said as i grabbed my leather jacket and keys.

 We roamed around town until i parked my car at a DQ. We ordered our food and then went to sit down on the hood of my car when we noticed that there was a group surrounding it. There was two guys and three girls. i had to admit the two guys were pretty hot and the girls were gorgeous. Theo and i stopped in our tracks and stared at them in confusion, one of them looked up and tapped the other one looking over to us.

"Is this your ride?" one of the guys, the hottest won of them all, asked Theo.

"Nah, it's mine," i pointed to the license plate that had the word PINK on it.

"It says 'PINK' on it for a reason," Theo and i chuckled. 

"Oh, well it's a sick ride. it looks like a-" one girl started.

"Drag racing car," Theo finished. she blushed and nodded.

"You race?" the hot one asked.

i nodded, "Never lost a race in my life," i said proudly. 

"Where you two coming from? We've never seen you guys here before," another girl said.

"We moved here earlier today," i said. 

"Where you guys come from?" the other guy asked.

"Cali," Theo and i said at the same time. 

"Do any of you race?" i asked.

"Yeah, we all do actually," the last girl who's been quiet this whole time said.

"Where are the races around here?" Theo asked.

"On the outskirts of town by the desert," the hot guy said.

"No way! Theo we have to go!" i squealed excitedly. 

"Hell yeah we do," he said.

"Cool you guys should join us tonight," the hot guy said.

"Ok, but first i'm Rosali, but everyone calls me Rose or Pink," i smiled. 

They froze, "Wait, Pink, as in the unbeatable Pink? The one that came out of no where beating every famous racer she's come across Pink?" one girl asked.

"That's me," i chuckled.

"And i'm Theo, her manager and best friend," Theo intrduced himself. 

"Woah, dude you're a legend! And you've only been racing for a year!" the guys said in awe.

"I guess, but i just do it for the thrill of the race," i answered honestly, the cash was just a bonus. 

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