Chapter 3- New Job

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Rosali's point of view-

Leo was kissing down my neck when all of a sudden i heard a knock on my window, i jumped away from Leo and looked up to see Jared standing there, right now i was thankful that my windows were tainted so he couldn't see us. 

"Move," i said as i sat up.

Leo leaned back and somehow i managed to move myself to the front seat. i rolled down the window for Jared.

"What's up?" i asked. 

"Hey, you leaving alerady?" he asked.

"Yup, i'm not really feeling the club vibe anymore, i'm gonna head home and see if Theo is alright," i said. 

"Well alright then, i'll tell your friends you had to leave, and i'll text you when we can hang out," he said. 

"Alright, see you then Jared," i waved. When he went back into the club Leo came up behind me kissing my neck. i shook my head and pushed him away.

"Hold on there buddy, i just met you tonight, and i'm not some slut who will go with anybody, so get out of my car!" i ordered.

"Hey i never said you were," he defended. 

"Just leave, this can't and won't happen again. i hope this will be the last time we see each other. Go back to the club or go home," i sighed. i heard him get out of my car and i left after that not turning back. I was most likely a block away from the club when i remembered that Kyla had my bag. i sighed and made a U-turn for the club, how could i forget my bag, i mean i had my keys in my pocket because George gave them back to me. i parked and got in quickly seeing as the bouncer was familiar with me when Jared told him i was always welcome. he nodded to me and i nodded back heading into find Kyla. i entered and looked around. i found  George making out with some chick, he opened his eyes and i gave him a thumbs up with he returned and then went back to making out. I saw Seth and Hilary making out, woah i never knew they were a thing. finally i spotted Kyla talking to some dude with a martini in her hand at a table with Julie passed out next to her. i rolled my eyes, poor Julie, she parties hard. 

in the middle of rolling my eyes i spotted something on my right. i looked over and saw Leo making ou- no practically having sex with another girl at a table. i swallowed and thought that there shouldn't be a reason for me to be sad or jealous about. i just thought he was different, guess not. i don't even know this guy so why the hell do i feel so heatrbroken and betrayed? 

Leo looked up from the girl and his eyes locked with mine. i felt something slide across my cheeck and i quickly wiped away the tear and broke eye contact heading for Kyla's direction. i grabbed my bag and said goodbye heading for the exit. 

i got to my car and opened the door when arms wrapped around my waist. through my windows i could see my reflection and the person who grabbed me.

"Let me go Leo!" i shouted as wriggled from his grip and pushed him away.

"I'm sorry what happened at the club was a mistake," he said.

"Yeah sure it was. The only mistake here was ever thinking you were different, but no you were just after me for a quick lay," i said as tears burned my eyes. What the hell is wrong with me?!

"No i didn't think of you as a quick lay! That girl just jumped on me!" he said.

"Oh yeah and the only way to get her off of you was to kiss her back right," i said laughing with no humor. 

"No, no, no," he denied running a hand through his hair.

"You know what, forget this night ever happened, forget you ever met me and if i ever see you at a race ignore me like i'll ignore you," i said as i opened my car door again but before i could get in Leo grabbed my elbow and spun me around making me crash into his chest. he wrapped his arms around my waist in a vice grip and smashed his lips to mine. i tried to resist i really did but as my head said get away from this stranger my body screamed to kiss him back and i did. i wrapped my arms around his neck and in his hair tugging slightly making him groan and me smile. 

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