Chapter 27-Suicidal

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Rosalie's POV- 

"THAT FUCKING BASTARD!" Leo yelled out. 


Frankie had just shown us the letter Dee received last night and let's just say mad is an understatement, we're fucking livid.   

Dee doesn't want to see anyone at the moment, poor thing. Fucking hell Caleb, why? She already had enough on her plate, why did he have to go and add to it?

"Patrick, track his Harley," Leo shouted.

I sighed and walked over to him, putting a hand on his shoulder, my anger was still fresh, but I had to calm Leo down.

"Stop ok? We have to calm down. Yes, we're all furious at him, but we have to stop and think about him for a moment. He's hurt. The love of his life has no clue who the hell he is. No running away was not the answer, which is why when we fucking find him he'll have to answer to all of us. He needs some time to come to his senses and right now Dee needs us."

Everyone seemed to stop and think letting my words run through their minds. "We're still tracking him, no I won't send someone to drag him back, but we need to know he's alright," Leo said. 

I smiled as I hugged him. 

"Ok. Now we need to show Dee we're all here for her. We are not gonna let her mope around in her room. Leo, go with Patrick, get all the junk food you need and rent some comedies. In the mean time, Frankie and I will talk to the doctor on where we can find a place that can help Dee get her memory back. In half an hour we'll meet back here and barg into her room." Everyone smiled in agreement. 



"They have the specialized doctors and medical equipment needed. Depending on what they find in her brain, will determine the amount of time she'll have to stay there." 

"You should also know that this treatment will also be very expensive...I'm talking millions," the Doc added.

"Money isn't an issue," Frankie whispered. "My father said to do whatever it takes to make her better. He can't be here right now, but he's already said money isn't an issue, just help us get her back."

Frankie and Dee's parents are stuck in  Tokyo. There was a huge storm and airports aren't functioning right now. They'll probably be here by next week though.

 "Give them a call, set up a date for us to have a meeting with them and let us know, " I said and we said goodbye before heading back to the lobby. It was already past a half hour and the guys were already there. They had three bags full of junk food, four pizzas, blankets, movies and two huge bean bag chairs at their feet.

"Sweet,"  I smiled as I grabbed the bean bags and Frankie helped Patrick with the pizzas. 

Seconds later we barged into Dee's room and froze. Frankie dropped the boxes, I dropped the bags, Leo and Patrick started yelling for nurses and doctors as Frankie and I ran to Dee. 


"Oh my god, Frankie grab the blankets! Stop the bleeding!" Our movements were jerky and shaky. 

We all acted fast and in the next seconds we were being shoved out of the room. Frankie was hysterically crying in Patrick's arms as I was still in shock, but I could feel the stinging on my cheeks from tears. 

The sight of her, pale, bleeding wrist...oh god how long had she been like that? 

"Leo," I whispered, his arms tightened around me. 

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