Chapter 7- How Romantic

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At the sound I made my parents looked up with their identical neutral expressions on their face. They stood up and walked towards us, they looked me up and down, then Theo but when their eyes landed on Leo and our interlocked hands… all I could think of was, ‘oh shit.’


I felt something warm on my stomach, then I felt the stinging sensation, I looked down and unzipped my jacket noticing that my shirt was stained in blood. I lifted it slowly and noticed that the bandage that I had replaced this morning was now soaked in blood…my blood. Dam glass…

The world started spinning and before I knew it I was swaying and I faintly heard my name being called along with a pair of familiar strong arms catch me as I fell, “Hang on……consciousness….ambulance! Rosalie!” I barely heard as I let the darkness take over.

Leo’s point of view-


I caught Rosalie before she fell; everyone went wild including her parents. Their neutral faces gone replaced with concerned and worried ones.

“Hang on Rose,” I said.

“She’s losing consciousness,” Theo said.

“Someone call an ambulance!” I yelled, “Rosalie!” I called out her name but she was unmoving in my arms.

The ambulance was here in ten minutes and I was the one who rode with her to the hospital while the paramedics checked her wound. When I saw it even I had to cringe at the wound, why didn’t she go to the hospital last night?

After getting her checked in, the doctor had said that she needed stitches so while she was getting those done I was filling out some of her paper work with the help of Theo.

“When will she wake up?” I heard Rose’s mom ask the doctor.

“Any minute now, she’s lost a lot of blood, but the IV we’ve hooked her up to is pumping blood into her system,” the doctor answered.

I heard her dad sigh and thank the doctor, then leading his wife and himself to the two empty seats across from Theo and I. To say it was awkward would be an understatement.

“We never got to introduce ourselves, I’m Theodore Philippe, but you can call me Theo. I’m Rosalie’s best friend,” Theo introduced himself.

“I’m Leonardo Moretti,  I’m Rose’s boyfriend,” I introduced.

“She never mentioned bringing a boyfriend,” I faintly heard Rose’s mom whisper to her husband.

“She wasn’t supposed to be dating, she still has……” I couldn’t hear from there because they stopped talking when a nurse approached us saying Rose was up. I jumped out of my seat and was the first one to be by her side kissing her forehead and holding her hand.

“How you feeling?” I asked.

“Like crap, but I’ll be fine,” she smiled as she squeezed my hand in reassurance.

“We hope you’re feeling better Rosalie,” her mother said as she and her husband stepped into the room.

“Thank you I am,” she answered.

“Well, now that we know you’re better, we’ll be heading home, we’ll be back tomorrow to take you home and discuss the reason why you’re here,” her father said and she nodded before they left without another word.

“You’re parents are…something,” Theo sighed.

Rosalie nodded and then closed her eyes.

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