Chapter 21- "Babe, I'm Horny"

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Rosalie's dress for the event^^

"Baby," I groaned and smacked the hands that were poking my face. 

"C'mon baby girl, wake up for me. Let me see those gorgeous eyes," the deep voice cooed.

I slowly opened my eyes, light grey eyes were staring back at me. 

"Good morning babe," he grinned as he pecked my lips.

"Come on, you have to get up, we have to get to Damon's soccer game. You have 10 minutes to get ready while I make some coffee for you," Leo said as he stood up from his crouched position in font of me.  He was wearing casual wear, a grey V-Neck, blue jeans and Nikes

"Damon?" I heard myself ask.

"Yes Damon, our six year old son? Are you feeling ok?" his hand went to my forehead. 

"MOMMY!" my eyes snapped to the door where a little boy was running my way. 

I gasped as the little boy jumped on the bed next to me and hugged me tight, my hands instantly went around him and hugged him tight

He looked up, he was an exact replica of Leo. Same grey eyes, dark black hair, and tan skin. "Daddy?" once again my eyes snapped to the door where a little girl stood there. She had my blonde hair, Leo's eyes and my pale skin. She looked around the age of four. She was in a beautiful blue dress, with white sandals and had a death grip on a teddy bear. 

"And there's my other princess," Leo cooed as he went to the little girl and picked her up while the little girl giggled as he arms went around his neck. 

"Come on mom, we're gonna be late for the game! It starts in half an hour and you have to get dressed!" Damon whined.

"Your mother will be ready on time, now come on. Why don't you and Destiny help me prepare your snacks for later?" Leo held out a hand and the little boy ran past  his dad with his little sister in tow. 

Leo's bright eyes looked at me, 'Love you Rosalie," he smirked before closing the door. 



"Rosalie!" I gasped awake. I looked up at Alexander's hazel eyes staring back at me. 

"Come on, we're here," he smiled as he held out a hand for me. 

I looked out the window and we were here, back in California. Slightly dazed from the dream I just had, I unbuckled my seat belt and numbly took Alexanders' hand. 

I snapped out of it when I heard my phone go off. 

"Hello?" my voice was slightly shaky too.

"Hey girl! You landed?" It was Dee-Dee.

"Yeah, a few minute ago," I said.

"Great, well me, Frankie and the guys are waiting for you two! Get your butts over here!" 

Oh right, we were supposed to meet for lunch as soon as we had landed. Dee and Frankie also had new boyfriends, Kevin and Wesley, great guys, pretty hot too. They're great and super funny. 

"Yeah, we'll meet you guys in a few," we said our goodbye's before hanging up.

"Everyone's waiting for us," I told Alexander.

"I'll get someone to take our luggage to our hotel. Now let's go say hi to the goofballs," I could tell Alexander was excited to see Kevin and Wesley, did I mention they were all cousins? No, well yeah they're cousins. 

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