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"Stop! Stop! Stop!, everyone take five while I talk to Amber" the photographer , Jerry, yelled frustratedly as he rubbed his temples.

Amber rolled her eyes and then she climbed down from the stand that she was on, Jerry placed his hands on her shoulders and sighed "you're not working with me Amber" he said disappointedly "you're hung over again" he pursed his lips "you need to find a way to clear your head Amber, if you show up for another shoot like this then I'll just have to cut you from the campaign, even if I don't want to"

"You can't do that. I'm Amber Duke, I am the campaign" she retorted.

"Not if you can't take a good photo you're not, stop with your drinking and carelessness, it's really affecting the photos I take, therefore, making me look bad" he warned "were done for today, I hope you come for tomorrow's shoot sobered up" he said, and then he walked over to the other models and continued taking pictures.

She went to the changing room and slipped out of the clothes she was wearing, and then she put her own clothes back on. She walked out of the changing room and then out of the building. Outside, she paced around frustratedly and then she pulled out a cigarette from her purse, she lit it up and took a nice long puff from the cigarette, and then, blew the smoke out slowly. She breathed in the cigarette smell and relaxed her tensed muscles.

She leaned on the building as she slowly puffed her cigarette. She still had a throbbing headache from the hangover and so she slowly slid down on the wall, and then she rested her back on it.

She rested there for a while receiving worried stares from passers-by, she shut her eyes to ignore their sympathetic looks, she soon felt something fall in her almost bare lap. She opened her eyes to find a flyer resting on her lap. She looked ahead to see who dropped it there. All she saw was the back of someone in a yellow hoodie, she scratched her eyes and then she picked up the flyer and read it.

(Facials, massages, pedicures, manicures, body scrubs and a lot of fun camp activities.)

"Well this sounds like exactly what I need" she said to herself. She remembered the way Jerry yelled at her, he told her she needed to clear her head, she had been messing up in her photoshoots lately. She needed a place to relax and find herself. She loved her modelling and she didn't need Jerry to be disappointed at her, she also loved luxurious spas and so she knew it was the perfect opportunity.

She put out her cigarette and then she got up. She was too drunk to drive to the shoot and so she didn't have her car there, so, she hailed a cab and then she got in. She gave the taxi driver her address and then she relaxed in the seat. She placed the front side of the paper on her lap and then she noticed something at the back. There was an incomplete picture on the left side of the parer, she blinked her eyes profusely, it seemed familiar to her but she couldn't exactly tell where she had seen the picture before. She also traced her hands over the number fifteen that was in top of the page.

The taxi driver soon dropped her at her luxurious apartment, and then she got out of the car.

She staggered up the door of the building, and then the doorman opened it up for her, she sent him a tired smile, walked over to the elevator and then, up to her apartment as soon as it dropped her on her floor.

She pulled out her phone and then she dialled Jerry's number, she listened to the ring and then she waited for him to pick up.

"Amber, I hope you're home safe. Big day tomorrow"

"Yeah, just got in, thanks." She yawned "Sorry about today, my breakup with that douche has taken its toll on me, I guess I just collapsed back into my drinking phase." She apologized.

"Well I hope you get your act together, we have a big shoot tomorrow, and you've been booked for so many huge shows"

"Yeah, that's why I'm calling actually. I was wondering if I could cancel the shoot scheduled two weeks from now. Just saw this flyer about a relaxation camp and I really think I need that"

"Yeah sure, I can get Karina to do that shoot, as long as you're taking care of yourself I'm good"

"Thanks Jer, even if I was a total pain today, I still love you Jer"

"Love you too, and remember, I'm always hard on you because I care. You're the best in the business, can't loose you"

"Thanks Jer" she smiled "Bye"

As soon as she dropped the call, she received one from downstairs on the house phone.

"Miss Duke, there's a plumber here, says its a routine checkup"

"Err, send him in I guess" she said uncertainly, and then she dropped the call.

After a while, she heard a knock on her door, she walked over to the door and pulled it open, in front of her stood a young plumber.

"You're the plumber?" She asked shockingly, checking him out shamelessly . He nodded his head curtly "I picture most plumbers as old men with big belly's" she laughed, and then she opened the door wide for him to get in.

He laughed "well I'm happy I can make you see plumbers in a new light" he said.

"Yeah, so you say it's a routine checkup?"

"Yes, we do free maintenance checkup's now just to make sure everything is perfect, we've had some issues lately and so we need to" he explained.

"Why are you doing just mine today? The doorman called as though you're here specifically for me"

He swallowed hard "err, we've been assigned different places, I have no idea why my boss arranged things this way"

She looked at him skeptically for a while but then she left him to do his maintenance check. She went over to the kitchen and made some coffee for herself as she waited for the plumber to be done.

After a while, he came out and wiped his wet hands on his jeans "everything is perfect" he smiled.

"Done so soon?"

"Yeah, there were no issues and so it didn't take much time"

"Oh, well thanks"

He nodded his head "I was wondering, are you Amber Duke?" He asked uncertainly.

"Yes" she smiled.

"Nice to meet you, I'm honoured" he said as he awkwardly extended his hands out to her.

"Nice to meet you too" she smiled and then she shook his already extended hands in hers.

"You're going for that?" He asked, pointing at the flyer on the table in front of her.

"Yes I am" she said, and then she took a sip of her coffee.

"I'm sure it'll be an experience you'll remember till you die " he smiled.

She gave him a confused expression, and then smiled and walked over to the door, opened it, and then he walked out.

She sat there for a while wondering what he meant, she knew what he said sounded familiar. She picked up the flyer again and read through it, what he said was exactly what was written at the bottom of the flyer. She didn't think he read the flyer well enough to notice what was written at the bottom.

She stared at the flyer for a while and then she brushed off al her thoughts, she drank up all of her coffee, went over to her room, took a cold shower, and then she took a nap to clear her head.


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