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Bekah walked down the road and she turned her head to every  part of the area visible to her. She looked up, down, searched places that she knew it was impossible for a car to be. She didn't care, she just needed to see some sign that at least one of the two cars was there. She took deep breaths and crouched down. She placed her fingers on the sandy soil for some balance and then she got up. She placed her hands on her hips and ran her hand through her hair. Some of the dirt on her hand got in her hair, but she did not bother to wipe it off. More important things were on her mind.

Once she had looked around properly and was completely sure that the car was as she thought; missing, she decided to go back to the center of the forest to share the news with everyone. She walked back into the woods, this time using the light from her phone to guide her through the darkness. By the time she got back she saw that Brody was in the process of climbing out of the hole. Amber held the ladder from the top, Rowan watched from the side. Rowan turned to Bekah when she heard her footsteps and her face turned into a scowl.

"Where the hell have you been?" she rose her voice and then she walked toward Bekah who looked lost and confused. Bekah stood there waiting for Rowan to reach her. Before she could realize what was happening, she saw Rowan taking quicker steps and then she pulled her  down to the ground. She heard Amber scream and she heard Brody curse. She looked up to find Rowan on top of her and then she turned around to see an arrow pierced into a tree behind her. There was a note attached to the arrow.

Rowan stood up and adjusted her outfit. "The next time an arrow is coming at your head, you duck," she yelled.

"I'm so-sorry," Bekah stuttered. "Thanks," she said, her heart pounded rapidly in her chest. Rowan rolled her eyes at her.

"Bekah, are you okay?" Amber ran to her, she knelt down beside her with worry in her eyes. Bekah nodded, and then with Ambers help, she got up. Rowan walked toward the area the arrow shot came from, but no one was there. Whoever it was had quick arms and fast legs, or really good hiding skills.

Bekah turned around to the tree that got stabbed by the arrow, and they all walked to it. Iris was still in the hole, too busy focusing on Emerson. She was oblivious to everything going on above her. Brody sat on the ground, he was too tired and too confused to get involved.

Amber placed her hand on the butt of the arrow and tried to pull it out, but she couldn't, and so Bekah and Rowan joined her and together, with all their might they were able to pull it out. Amber pulled out the note that was folded it half, she opened it was faced with the message their tormentor sent them. 

''This is payback for the time you guys left Ana stranded, have fun finding your way back," Bekah read the note out loud. She was confused at first because she was unable to piece together what it meant, but then she remembered the conversation the girls had about luring Ana to the middle of nowhere and leaving her to find her way back home. She felt  bad for her, she wondered how scared and confused Ana must have been that day. She wondered if it was a cold day, and if Ana was left freezing for hours. She wondered how many miles the poor girl had to walk before finally getting back home. She wondered how worried Ana's grandmother must have been. Bekah could not help but feel that the girls deserved to have a taste of their own bitter medicine, but she was hurt because she was suffering because of something she had no hand in.

Rowan snatched the note from Bekah, ripped it apart and then she squeezed it and threw it on the ground. "Dumbass," she sneered in her venomous tone. "There's freaking cell service here, so we're not stuck. We just have to make a call, and then we'll leave," she laughed and then she walked toward the area the shot came from. She rose her voice "You should try hitting us with something harder," she yelled. "Do you think this is affecting us? I can afford ten other cars, so you can keep that one. I'm glad to do you this favor since your life is so miserable that all you know how to do revenge for someone who is not even alive anymore." Her chest was heaving, up and then down, quickly and then slowly.

The Night Of August 15thWhere stories live. Discover now