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"We should get he hell out of this place, like right now," Rowan said in a strained and worried tone, as she sat with her legs crossed on Ambers bed. Both Amber and Bekah's rooms remained normal, and all four girls remained distraught and abashed in Amber's room, trying to figure out everything that was going on, and most importantly; a way out.

"I've been thinking of that, but I have a terrible feeling it wouldn't be so easy to just get up and leave," Iris reasoned from the rugged floor, as she leaned her back against the bed, scattering her long brunette mane on the rumpled sheets.

"How hard can it be?" Amber got up, "there are a lot of people here, we just get up and leave, I doubt anyone will care."

"I think Iris is right, they wouldn't just let us leave like that," Bekah said.

"Shut up, what do you know?" Rowan snapped.

Bekah clenched her fists, unnoticed by the rest of them, but she later relaxed and let out a long low breath, she was not used to violence, and so was not ready to unleash that undiscovered side of herself.

The front door swung open revealing a smiling Alicia, she walked in, making sure to shut the door behind her. She made her way over to the girls, still as cheerful as always. On reaching them, her facial expression dramatically changed: it was daunting, for the girls, her soft, friendly demure soon made a dramatic and drastic changed into a hard and angry one. Bekah was about to get up but she was harshly pushed back down on the bed by Alicia, the rest of them watching the shocking scene before them, flabbergasted.

Alicia rested her right knee on the bed and leaned in, with her nails dug into Bekah's wrist. Bekah squirmed and tried to free herself from Alicia's tight grip, but it was to no avail. Back on Alicia's face was the smile, but this time she made no attempt to hide how utterly fake it was . "I will say this only once," she made sure to look each of them dead in the eye "no one leaves here till the camp is over, six days from today, and don't even try to escape, you don't want to know what'll happen if you do." she wore an evil and winning smirk. Sharply, she released her hands from a tortured Bekah's wrist and elegantly wiped off the little blood she was able to draw, on Amber's sheets. She got up, fixed her hair and dress, and then she put back on a smile that the girls had then realized was far from genuine. She walked to the door like nothing had just happened, and she didn't leave out her signature wink before leaving.

Bekah's right hand was encircled over her left wrist, trying to stop the little blood that was flowing, the rest of the girls looked at each other worriedly and Amber gulped in fear, while Rowan just looked angry, and Iris confused, but there was definitely fear embedded in all of them, especially Bekah who got a taste of what Alicia as capable of.

"I told you guys it wouldn't be that easy," Iris whispered, looking to all of them with terror glistening in her eyes.

Against their will, all four girls grudgingly stayed at the spa, making sure to avoid Alicia's wrath at all costs. Everything went on normally, and everyone acted ️extremely normal; which drove them crazier by the minute. They would have rather had people show that they were crazy and out to get them, rather than having people going on with their normal activities, thus making an explosion of confusion erupt in their minds. Alicia acted as though she hadn't just threatened them, and because of how nicely and normal she acted, they didn't know what to think about the other girls who were equally acting annoyingly nice to them, a little bit too nice, they felt.

They made sure to stick tightly to each other as often as they could, of course not so much so that they don't get on Alicia's nerves. Every time they could, they'd stay together in Amber's room which was surprisingly still untouched, along with Bekah's.

The Night Of August 15thWhere stories live. Discover now