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Bekah, Rowan, Amber and Iris are lured into the same camp by a mysterious host, after not seeing each other for five years.

At the camp, they realize that they were a part of someone's game of torment. They found clues that made them know that someone was aware of their darkest secrets.

Things and people appear and then disappear, leaving all the girls confused.

They are threatened by Alicia, a seemingly sweet girl, but they realize how sour she is when she threatens them and hurts Bekah.

They all receive notes with cryptic messages that they are unable to decode.

Alicia gives them a yellow hoodie which the person who handed them invites to the camp was wearing. The hoodie is their first clue, but they don't know where it'll lead them.

No time was wasted by either of the girls. They rushed to their assigned rooms and as quickly as possible, threw everything they took to the camp back in their boxes in a brisk manner. The day they could leave had finally come and ironically, it did not bring them peace, rather, agony was what visited them. They knew that there was no way that they were going to be freed from the leash of torture that Alicia used to control them. Bekah and Iris were the first to be done packing, as they brought the least items to the camp. Amber and Bekah who were extremely extravagant brought more than they needed to the camp, and so, it took more time for them to back their bags.

Both Bekah and Iris made their way down the stairs, the quicker they could be out, the better for them, or so they hoped. On their walk down, the cabin door flew open. It was no surprise to them that it was Alicia who stood behind the door. She had on her smile again, her fingers were intertwined with her hands set down, and then she tilted her head to the side with a smile stretched on her lips. Iris who was walking forward reduced her pace as soon as she saw Alicia, Bekah stayed still. Iris dropped her bag on the ground, which caused a thud on the ground, she then walked forward to Alicia, maintaining her slow and steady pace. At that point, both Rowan and Amber were at the top of the staircase, like Bekah, they waited, and watched the tense exchange between Iris and Alicia.

"You said you'd let us go," Iris said. She stood in front of Alicia with some safe distance between them.

"Don't worry darling," Alicia leaned forward with her smile intact "I keep my promises," she looked up to the stairs at the girls and smirked at them. "I just wanted to leave you guys with some rules, that's all." She shrugged her shoulders and clasped her hands together.

"Just talk so we can get the hell out of this hell," Rowan spat out, she looked at Alicia menacingly and then fixed her gaze on her nails, her expression hardened.

Alicia looked up at Rowan with the same menacing look, and then looked at the rest of the girls to make sure they were all paying attention. Amber appeared both uninterested and desperate, and Bekah, scared and also desperate. Alicia lifted up her index finger on her left hand, and placed her right hand on her hip. "One. You will not speak of any of the," Alicia stopped a bit and placed a finger on her chin, and searched for the right word to use "special," she laughed and slid her tongue on the bottom of her upper set of teeth "events that happened. If anyone asks, you tell them you had a great time here. Two," she lifted her middle finger to accompany the index finger that was already lifted "You carry on with your normal activities. This means you do not act suspiciously." She looked at all the girls again to make sure they all understood her rules.

"What happens if we do the opposite of what you've asked?" Rowan asked.

Alicia laughed loudly and walked forward a bit, closer to the staircase. "If all of you talk," She pointed at the girls on the staircase and then turned around to point at Iris and then back of the girls "that little secret you all are trying so desperately to hide will magically appear in the papers. If it's just one or two people talk," she paused, and then placed a finger on her chin. "I'll just kill them," she smiled. They all looked at her as though she was crazy, which they all concluded she was.

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