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Amber tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows, and then she picked up the yearbook. "Ana Mitchells," she said in a breathy tone, her eyes looked soft and sad. "Fat Ana. Ugly Ana. Never going to find love Ana," she said and then she dropped the book back on the table.

"Low-life Ana," Iris added. "We made her high school life incredibly miserable. Should have known it'd be her." She hit the table.

"I'm pretty sure a low-life like her wasn't at that party," Rowan scoffed "You guys are giving her way too much credit."

"Think about it Row," Amber said "It's no coincidence that the person who gave us the flyers had on this same exact hoodie," Amber said and tapped her index finger on the picture of Ana. She passed her hand through her hair and got up from her seated position.

"She wore that sweater to class every single day in the twelfth grade,"Iris said, "She knew we'd remember, that's why she wore it to hand us the flyers, that's why she asked Alicia to give the hoodie to us, she wants us to know exactly who she is."

"Who is she?" Bekah asked, and then she picked up the yearbook to take another look at Ana.

"Some miserable fat dumbass girl we went to high school with, who thought she could make it as an actress," Rowan laughed "Like her fat ass will fit on any screen," she scoffed.

"That's very mean," Bekah said and dropped the book on the table. "I have a cousin who was bullied all through high school because she was as they called her, fat."

"Well I don't care about Ana, neither do I care about your fat cousin," Rowan snapped.

"Row, she's right," Amber said, "We made this girls life miserable, explains why she'll want to hurt us."

"We have to find her," Iris said. "We need to find her before she destroys us."

"What do we do when we find her?" Bekah asked "what if she hurts us like she's promised to do?" her voice shook.

"I don't know," Iris said, "I have no idea."

"How do we even find her?" Rowan asked.

"I know where she lives," Amber spoke "or where she lived in high school, there's a possibility she still stays there."

"Why the hell do you know where she lives?" Rowan rose up her left eyebrow.

Amber placed her left index finger on her chin and paced about the space they were in using little steps "Let me think, you suggested we pick her up to go on our trip, and then we left her stranded in the middle of nowhere." Amber said, and looked angrily at Rowan.

"Okay, I get it, we destroyed her life," Rowan rolled her eyes.

"We can go there tomorrow," Iris said.

"I'm scared," Bekah said and then she folded her hands under her chest "what if we're walking into a trap?" she said and sat down.

"We don't have to go into her house," Amber said. "We just stand outside and confront her, if it's money she wants, we give it to her," Amber said and then looked worriedly at all of them. One expression was evident in their faces, no matter how hard they tried to hide it, and fear crept out. There was a possibility that they would come face-to-face with the person so desperately trying to destroy and expose them.

"So we all come back here tomorrow and go to Ana's house?" Iris asked and Amber nodded.

"10:00am, I'll be outside waiting," Amber said, "I'm busy working later in the day."

Once again, they all nodded in agreement.


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