Chapter 19

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The crew were slowly drifting down towards the ocean with the help of the sky octopus that had latched itself onto their ship and aided in their descent.

"This is nice." Nami said as they leisurely floated about. "What a great feeling."

"Hey, Anu." Robin called out from her spot on the staircase, a knowing smile on her face. "What is it you were saying before we dropped from the clouds?"

"Oh, I was going to ask if you would-" Anu began to say before he trailed off as he saw Sanji was covered in flames. "You ok there, Sanji?"

"Go ahead, finish your question. I dare you." Sanji threatened, the fire burning a bit brighter than before. 

"*SPLASH* *KLANG* Go ahead and ask your question, Anu. I'll handle him." Zoro told him after he had thrown a bucket of water on Sanji, followed by him throwing said bucket at Sanji.

"WHAT THE HELL, MARIMO?!" Sanji yelled at Zoro, no longer on fire and with a lump on his forehead.

"As I was saying." Anu said as he turned to Robin. "I was going to ask if you would like to go on a date sometime."

"Of course, it would nice to genuinely spend time and get to know someone I like, for once." Robin replied with a wink.

"I'LL KILL HIM!!" Sanji yelled as Zoro held him back as best he could.

"Uhh, where's Luffy?" Nami asked, distracting everyone from the current conversation.

"Last I saw, he was by the railing." Usopp answered.

"And he climbed up the rope ladder and onto the octopus." Chopper added.

"Oh, okay then." Nami replied as she walked off. "Wait a minute, what's he doing up there?!"

"Looks like he's jumping." Anu said as he looked up, his eyes glowing white.


"I got him." Anu said as he summoned a pair of skeletal hands on top of the octopus that grabbed Luffy by the ankles and threw him off the top of it. "Mind making a catch Robin?"

"No problem." she replied as she sprouted a series of arms that formed a net.

"AAHHHH!!" Luffy yelled as he fell off the side of the octopus before he was caught by the net of arms that Robin made and brought back aboard. 

He was swiftly given a sound beating by Nami for endangering the crew with the antics.

"I'm sowwy." he managed to get out through a severely beaten and bruised face.

" he managed to get out through a severely beaten and bruised face

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"Can't say I blame her." Zoro commented as he saw the aftermath.

"Honestly, same." Anu added.

"Just you wait till I get a hold of you!" Sanji yelled, now tied to the mast.

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