Chapter 29

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Near the Dry Docks of Galley-La

"Thank you for your patronage, young man." the store owner waved as Anu left the store. "Please come back, soon."

Anu had just left the metalworking shop, after he had purchased the supplies he was looking for and was walking around the dry docks when he ran into Luffy, Nami, and Usopp as they were talking to someone. 

"Oh, Anu! What are you doing all the way up here?" Usopp asked as Nami continued talking with a square-nosed man.

"Had to come up here to get the metalworking supplies I was wanting." Anu answered. "What are you guys doing up here?"

"We're trying to find this Iceberg guy about getting the Going Merry fixed." he answered.

"Oh, good. I guess you guys got all that gold appraised?" Anu asked.

"Yup!" Usopp answered as leaned close to Anu to whisper to him. "We got 300 million for it."

"By the gods!" Anu replied. "We could get a new ship if we had to."

"As if! We're gonna get the Merry fixed!" Usopp shot back, offended by Anu's comment.

"I said "if we had to" Usopp. No need to get your goggles in a knot." Anu replied, trying to calm him down.

"Yeah, you're right." Usopp replied. "Sorry about that...and sorry about our outburst earlier."

"No worries." Anu assured him. "I'm still new to this whole pirate thing."

"Yeah." Usopp added. "You wanna stick around and meet this Iceberg guy?"

"Afraid I'm gonna have to call in a rain check on that. I'm having all that stuff I bought delivered to the ship. I wanna be there when it arrives." Anu answered.

"Alright, see you later." Usopp said as Anu left them to head back to the ship.

Sometime later. Back at the ship

Anu had boarded the ship and saw Zoro asleep by the railing on the upper deck. 

"Some watchman you are." he said as he went into the ship to change into some new clothes. He left the interior of the ship, after changing into a pink short-sleeved button up shirt and tan cargo shorts and sandals, to hear Zoro yelling at someone.

"Oh, now you wake up." Anu commented as he walked out onto the deck.

"Huh? When did you get here, Anu?" Zoro asked as he looked between him and their new visitor.

"I've been here for probably 10 minutes, Zoro." Anu answered.

"That answers that question, but it still doesn't answer my question of who the hell you are." Zoro replied as he held one of his swords at the ready.

"I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" the square-nosed man apologized.

"Oh, I recognize you. You're that guy from the shipyard." Anu commented. "What brings you out here?"

"I'm here to check over the ship so we can appraise the cost of the repairs." the man answered.

"Fair enough. Does that satisfy you, Zoro?" Anu asked Zoro, who still had his sword drawn.

"I guess so." he answered as he sheathed his sword. "Just don't try anything funny."

"I would never." the square-nosed man said as he got to work looking around the ship. He was done in a matter of minutes. "Alright, I've taken as good a look at this ship as I can."

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