Chapter 39

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"Robin's in the building right behind him!" Luffy told Anu. "Outta our way you big cow!"

"You people still haven't realized that you're committing a major crime on a global scale." Blueno told them.

"What are you saying?" Luffy asked him.

"The World Government is backed by the power of 170 signatory nations from throughout the world's oceans." Blueno explained. "To attack this island, which belongs to that massive organization, is to raise a standard of revolt against all those countries! With it's supreme majesty, the government will expose each and every one of you to public humiliation and inflict horrible deaths upon you. A few dozen at most, a pitiful force."

"It may come as a shock to you, Blueno, but my country and her people owe it's freedom to a pirate." Anu retorted. "It's thanks to Luffy that Alabasta isn't being ruled by some government dog like Crocodile!"

"That pathetic excuse of a pirate no longer serves us. The government doesn't appreciate it when someone bites the hand that feeds it." Blueno replied. "He will spend the rest of his days rotting away in Impel Down."

"As he should." Anu added.

"That, we agree upon." Blueno said. "Unfortunately, it is time for the two of you to learn the futility of defying the government!"

Anu readied himself to fight Blueno before Luffy stuck an arm out to stop him. "What gives Luffy?"

"Let me handle him." Luffy told him. "I wanna try something out on him. You make sure the others get here."

"So be it." Anu replied. "Kick his ass, Luffy." Anu teleported away to the rest of the crew as they fought their way to the courthouse.

"Gomorrah!!" Zambia yelled out as the King Bill crashed to the ground.

"What'd I miss?" Anu said as he materialized beside the group.

"AAHHH!!" everyone screamed. "Where did you come from?!"

"Top of the courthouse." Anu answered. "Luffy's fighting one of the CP9 agents."

"Not so fast, you pirate trash." a voice called out from the shadows as soldiers and agents cheered at Gomorrah's defeat.

"Shit, the guards we passed are starting to catch up!" Sanji warned.

"They're coming from up ahead too!!" Zambai yelled out.

"And they've got artillery trained on us!" Kiwi pointed out.

"There are thousands of them!!" Chopper yelled, scared at the number of enemies before them. "If they surround us, we're goners!!"

"We have no choice but to fight!" Anu told them as he readied himself.

"But, we can't get bogged down!" Nami told him. "Robin'll be long gone if we fight everyone!"

"I intend to make this quick." Anu said as he brought his hands before him. "Sanji! Zoro! Protect me. This'll take some time."

"What?!" the pair asked, shocked at the request.

"We're trying to keep moving and you want us to stay here?!" Sanji asked.

"What exactly do you have planned?" Zoro asked.

"I have an idea." Anu replied. "It's going to take some time though."

"You're "idea" better work!" Sanji said as he and Zoro readied themselves to fight off the soldiers surrounding themselves.

Anu stood motionless, his eyes closed, as the battle raged around him and the threat of being overrun creeping ever forward. His hands and eyes suddenly became enveloped in green hellfire as he began to once again take the form of the ancient god, Anubis.

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