Chapter 38

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Anu joined Luffy atop the car as they readied to begin their invasion.

"Huh? What are you doing up here, Anu?" Luffy asked.

"Joining you." Anu answered. "Did you not listen to the plan?"

"Not really." Luffy said as he began picking his nose.

"You really are an idiot sometimes." Anu said to himself. "Anyways, we're the vanguard for the others so that they can have an easier time getting aaaand he's gone. Better catch up to him." Anu teleported away to catch up with Luffy who was now soaring through the air and heading for the top of the first gate.

"What's that?" a soldier asked aloud, seeing something fly over their heads.

"Huh? Something just flew...Hey!!" the soldier shouted as he spotted Luffy atop the tower.

"Whoa! What the heck is this place?" Luffy asked as hung onto a flagpole.

"This is Enies Lobby." Anu answered as he materialized beside Luffy.

"That's an awesome hole!" Luffy marveled. "It's like the island is floating!"

"Now's not the time to marvel at a giant hole in the ground, Luffy." Anu told him. "Robin's somewhere on this island and we need to rescue her."

"Intruders spotted atop the gate!" A soldier shouted.

"Open fire!!" a CP agent commanded.

"Shit! We've been spotted!" Anu said, taking cover from the incoming fire.

"Let's keep moving then!" Luffy said as he jumped from the tower and to the ground below.

The pair made a break for the next gate at the end of the narrow path and encountered a number of guards awaiting them there.

"Do you brats know where you are?" one of them asked.

"Sure do!" Anu answered as he and Luffy punched and kicked them aside.

"Where's Robin??" Luffy asked as he began an assault on another group of guards.

"They probably don't know, Luffy! They're just here to guard the gate!" Anu told him as he began fighting another group of guards. "We're better off just taking these guys down quickly and moving on!"

"Right!" Luffy replied. "Gum-Gum Fireworks!" Luffy unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks at every guard that was around him, taking them all down. "Gum-Gum Ally Robot!" Luffy snaked his arms and legs around the arms and legs of a marine and began using him like a mecha to fight the other marines.

"Hey, that's fighting dirty!" one marine yelled out.

"We're pirates! What'd you expect?!" Anu said as he came in and took out a few more guards. He grabbed one guard by the collar and back of his pants and proceeded to launch him at his comrades, taking a small group out in one go.

Luffy was still fighting some guards with his Ally Robot when two guards started to slash at his back.

"Your back's wide open!!" one of them yelled as they began their attack. Only for it to hit their ally as Luffy jumped off just in time and landed atop their heads.

"What the?!" one of the guards asked himself, just now realizing where his target was. The pair were about to attack Luffy before they were taken out by another guard that was thrown at them.

"He's not your only opponent!" Anu told them as he stood over a group of defeated guards.

"Nice one, Anu!" Luffy told him with a smile as he ran to another group of guards.

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