Chapter 23

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"THE GAME BEGINS!!" the commentator announced, to the excitement of the crowd. "What will Sanji do in enemy territory?! Will he fall back or attack?"

"All right, I'll take care of this on my own!" Sanji said, bracing himself for the charging Pickles.

""Tackle Machine" Pickles is first on the move!"

Pickles rolled himself into a ball and charged towards Sanji in a fierce rolling tackle in hopes of taking him out quickly.

"Here I go!! SLING TACKLE!!" the rolling tackle seemed like it was going to work until Sanji jumped over Pickles.

"I have no use for you." Sanji told Pickles as he leapt towards Big Bun. "My target is YOU!! If I bring you down, we win!!"

"The ball-men square off!!"

"COLLIER...whoa!!" Sanji exclaimed as he began slipping and sliding around on Big Bun's arm. "What gives?! His skin's all slippery!!"

"Big Bun thrusts out his arm and the cook Sanji slips and slides!! No surprise there!! Big Bun has Mudfish blood running in his veins!! His Fish-Giant skin in slick and slippery!"

"Whoa! I'm gonna fall!" Sanji said, trying to regain his balance.


"Counterattack!!" Big Bun roared as he readied a devastating blow for Sanji.

"Who're you calling an idiot?!" Sanji yelled back.

"Oh, for Ra's sake!" Anu said as he readied himself for whatever attack was coming their way.

"PUNK PASS!!" Big Bun shouted as he sent Sanji rocketing towards the goal with a massive palm strike.

"There it is!! Big Bun's super long pass!! Team leader Hamburg runs ahead to catch him with Roronoa Zoro and Anu not far behind!!"

"If you fall in the goal, I'll kill you!!" Zoro threatened Sanji. 

"Shut up and stop whining!" Sanji yelled back.

"Wipeout Tackle!!" Pickles came in and blindsided Zoro with a block that sent him tumbling away from the play.

"Pickles blocks Roronoa and enters Straw Hat territory!! Meanwhile, Hamburg catches Sanji in midair!!"

"Poh poh! Gorilla Throw!" Hamburg launched Sanji towards Pickles, who was getting ready to catch him and make the play.

"I got him! I got him!" Pickles yelled out.

"Pickles prepares for the pass!"

"Not so fast, you jerk!!" Zoro ran towards Pickles, trying to keep him from catching Sanji and scoring.

"Heeheehee!!" Pickles laughed as he started spinning. "Spinning Tackle!!

Zoro's attempted tackle was rebuffed and he was sent skidding off to the side and Sanji was sent back into the air from his impact with Pickles' spinning attack.

"Ball-Man Sanji flies in and Pickles knocks him sky-high!! Breaking from the defensive line, Big Bun moves up!! He scoops Hamburg up in midair and re-launches him!!"


"Hamburg catches Sanji in the air over Straw Hat territory! This is incredible!! The ring is within firing range!! Here it comes, The Hamburger Dunk!!"

"You damn idiots!!" Anu said to himself as he grabbed Pickles by the ankle and began swinging him around in a circle and then launched him towards Hamburg. "RAAAH!!"

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