Chapter 5

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"THAT'S HIS HOUSE?" Luffy wondered aloud

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"THAT'S HIS HOUSE?" Luffy wondered aloud. "HE MUST BE LOADED!"

"Look more closely, fool." Zoro instructed the navigator.

"A man of big dreams eh?" Sanji remarked. "Well, he certainly like to create an illusion."

"Illusion?" Chopper asked.

"HEY! IT'S ONLY PLYWOOD!" Luffy told everyone.

"WHAT?!" Usopp replied in shock.

"There's only half a house." Zoro informed everyone else on the ship. "The rest is fake." 

"What a cheapskate." Sanji remarked as he raised the sail.

"What kind of dreams was he talking about that they kicked him out of town for?" Nami asked Robin and Anu.

"We're not entirely sure of all the details, but he apparently made claims about some gold on Jaya." Robin answered.

"A massive hoard if I remember correctly." Anu added.

"GOLD?!" Usopp asked with shock.

"Is it a lost pirate treasure?!" Nami and Chopper asked.

"Nor really sure." Anu answered. "All they said was that it was a massive hoard."

"DIG, CHOPPER!" Nami commanded the reindeer as everyone else had begun disembarking from the ship. "FIND THE GOLD!"

"Huh?! I should dig?!" Chopper asked.

"He lives in a remote area, huh?" Sanji wondered aloud while he took in the surroundings.

"HELLO! ANYONE HOME?" Luffy asked aloud as he walked into the house without knocking.

"Shouldn't someone stop him." Anu pointed out as Luffy entered the house.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING LUFFY?!" Usopp asked him.

"Huh? Nobody's here." Luffy remarked as he looked around the home he had barged into. "HELLO!"

"Hey, hold on!" Usopp pleaded while catching up with Luffy. "What if he's dangerous?"

"I've got a bad feeling about all this." Anu told Robin as he left the kitchen with cups of tea for the pair.

"Why do you say that?" Robin asked as she accepted the tea.

"We leave a town of pirates where who knows how many people know that we're searching for gold." He told her after taking a sip of the tea. "Not to mention that we probably got made as a crew of mostly rookie pirates the second we docked over in Mock Town."

"I can see where that line of thinking would come from." Robin replied. "But how could you judge the capabilities of a pirate by just their look?"

"Body language." Anu replied. "Something you're probably used to looking for."

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