Chapter 14

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Anu and Robin had come across one of Eneru's subordinates on their way to El Dorado. Except, the person they met wasn't a vassal, but instead was the Commander of Eneru's Divine Soldiers, Yama. He was a rather large man who seemed to be as round as he was tall.

"How should we handle this guy?" Anu asked Robin, not taking his eyes off the man before them. "I have no problem doing this myself."

"No, I'll do it." Robin replied, also staring the man down. "I need to prove not only to the others, but to myself, that I can do things on my own."

"As you wish then." Anu said as he sheathed his swords and took a seat on a nearby root.

"Thank you." Robin said as she glared at her opponent.

"A shame that you're as foolish as you are beautiful." Yama told Robin.

The two soon launched themselves into battle with Robin doing her best to hold her own, but it became increasingly obvious just how out-matched Robin was in this fight. Every attack she tried was met with a counter, thanks to Yama's use of Mantra. The increasingly one-sided fight continued until Yama decided to gloat over his seemingly impending victory.

"Well, well, it would seem that you're not as tough as you think you are? Eh, young lady." Yama taunted.

Robin sat on the ground, out of breath from the exertion of her battle. "I can't get a solid hit on this man." she thought to herself, trying to formulate some kind of strategy.

"Mountain Belly!!" Yama yelled out as jumped into the air in an attempt at finishing off Robin with a giant belly flop.

Robin was able to dodge at the last moment, jumping away right before impact. Yama leaped once again, this time his aim was for a flying kick aimed at Robin's head.

"The hieroglyphs!" Robin said to herself as she noticed the monolith behind her. "Viente Fleurs!! Calendula!!"

Robin sprouted a number of forearms from both of hers in an attempt at blocking Yama's kick and preserving the monolith behind her

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Robin sprouted a number of forearms from both of hers in an attempt at blocking Yama's kick and preserving the monolith behind her. She couldn't withstand the impact for long and was thrown into the monolith behind her. Yama menacingly stood over her, ready to finish her off.

"How long are you going to keep protecting this withered old city?" he asked her.

"You don't seem to have any respect for the bastions of our ancestors." she replied. 

"Of course not!" he barked at her. "I have no respect for the past!!"

"They say that fools who don't respect the past are doomed to repeat it." she shot back.

"Just who do you think you're talking to?" Yama asked, enraged by Robin's defiant remark. "Mountain Punch!!"

Yama then unleashed a vicious punch at the spot Robin previously was. Once again, forcing Robin on the back foot and leaving her to do nothing more than dodge and try to buy time for some kind of counter-offensive.

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