Chapter 41

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A/N: Still alive my dudes, and to make up for it, here's a brand new chapter plus a big surprise at the end of the chapter. Hope y'all enjoy and love y'all.

Anu and Samson began their fight in a furious fashion, exchanging blows and blocks, getting a feel for each other's defenses. Neither one of them was willing to give an inch, dead set on fulfilling their mission.

"You really think you can save that woman, don't you?" Samson taunted, a wolffish grin starting to form on his face.

"Think? I know." Anu replied, keeping up with Samson and his attacks.

"Gehehehe! That's rich, coming from a pirate that thinks he can save someone that's an enemy of the world." Samson continued on, keeping up his attacks. "If you ask me, she deserves to die."

"Unfortunately for you, that's not your decision to make." Anu shot back, trying to find an opening in Samson's defenses.

The two continued their exchange, dodges and clashes continued on with neither one gaining an edge.

"I must admit, you're doing well...for a pirate." Samson commented. "Shame, I'm not really trying yet."

"Damn, this guy is much better than I anticipated." Anu thought to himself. "I need to find a way to beat this guy...and quick."

"You're starting to doubt yourself, aren't you?" Samson asked, now starting to bare the fangs of his werewolf form. "I can smell the doubt on you."

"Far from it." Anu replied, trying to think of something on the fly as their fight continued.

"Well then, let's try this on for size." Samson remarked as he put some distance between himself and Anu. "Shave."

Samson flickered from sight, moving faster than before thanks to his heightened speed in his werewolf form.

"Moonborn Slash!" Samson reappeared before Anu and slashed across his chest. Anu managed to block the attack but took the brunt of the attack with his forearms, now starting to bleed. "Gehehehe...I smell blood in the water." Samson stated, his canine eyes now getting a wild look in them. "Now, I'm starting to have some fun!"

"Fun? This guy must be a psycho." Anu thought to himself as he tried to keep an eye on Samson as he flickered around him.

"Gehehehe. Try and keep up...little pirate." Samson taunted, quickly circling Anu with his Shave technique. "Moonborn Slash!" Samson launched another slashing attack, with his claws, at Anu's back.

"Gah!" Anu stumbled forward from the attack, his back now stinging and bleeding. "I need to think of something quick!" Anu looked around the room and saw what could be the opportunity he was looking for as he summoned a ball of green hellfire in his hand.

"Gehehehe...what do you plan on doing with that?" Samson asked as he continued to circle Anu. "You gonna try and burn what you can't touch?"

"Something like that..." Anu replied as he suddenly threw the fireball at the light on the ceiling, killing all the light in the room.

"This is your strategy? Kill the lights so that I can't see you?" Samson asked, almost mockingly. "Shame it won't work. This form gives me heightened senses. So, even if there are no lights, I can still smell your blood, and I can hear your breathing."

"That may be true, but I have some tricks up my sleeve as well." Anu replied as his eyes now glowed a soft white in the dark.

"Gehehehe! You trying to make this easy for me? I can see your eyes glowing, you know?" Samson continued to taunt, not knowing what the glow meant.

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