How the Ex-Sith Came to Be

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Original source:
My brain, inspired by George Lucas' Star Wars.

The story of how the famed Jedi Y/n L/n was found and recruited by her future master. It was but fate that her Mother dragged her five-year-old  daughter into the market that day. After tragedy strikes the family, Y/n has to learn how to function on her own. After discovering her strength with the force she's whisked away to the Jedi Temple, the man who found her is insistent that she be trained as a Jedi. Master Yoda is hesitant to say the least, who would train her? Given her family's history of worshipping the Sith.

(38 BBY)

My Mother clutched my hand tightly as we walked through the crowded market streets. Her grip so constricting that it hurt and I couldn't move my hand. I involuntarily let out a small whine, she turned her head back to me but didn't release me. Instead she yanked me forward making me crash into the back of someone walking past.

"I'm sorry, Sir." I apologised, briefly looking up to meet the man's frowned brows and concerned brown eyes.

"We don't apologise." My Mother gritted, yanking on my hand again. I shifted around him and followed my Mother further into the market. I knew better than to argue with her about this or anything for that matter. She always would snap back that it was rude to argue with your parents.

Not a few more minutes and we arrived at the stall that was always my Mothers favourite. The alien behind the bench was of a species I didn't recognise but he was always the mark. He sold fresh fruits and produce that my Mother turned into various dishes for us to eat for dinner. But it was always my job to get them from the poor man.

"I don't like doing this." I told my Mother for the umpteenth time, turning my head to gaze up into her eyes.

"Would you rather we all starved to death, Darling?" She asked, kneeling down next to me so she was at my eye level. I shifted my eyes away from hers and over to the alien across the way. I pulled at my fingers uncomfortably, shifting my feet on the dirt below my shoes.

"Of course not." I eventually mumbled.

My Mother didn't say another word to me, she simply slammed her hand into my back. I stumbled forward, a few more steps and I'd be in front of him. With one more glance back at my Mother, who ushered me to go closer. I sighed and moved in front of the number of different foods displayed on the table. I looked up at the alien only for guilt to hit me like a freight truck at the pleasant smile formed on his large lips.

"Are you hungry, kid?" He asked me politely, picking up a pink fruit from the table and holding it out to me. A small smile made its way across my lips. Slowly I reached out towards the fruit but I retracted when I remembered my Mother was standing behind me waiting for me to do what we normally did.

"You will give me all of your food." I told the man, waving two of my fingers in front of me.

"I will give you all of my food." He repeated mindlessly. He turned around and picked up a sac to fill with food for me and my family.

"You will forget this encounter." I told him, swiping my fingers again, as he handed the sac over to me.

"I will forget this encounter." He mumbled with a small nod of his head.

The Ex-Sith and the Clone (Captain Rex x reader)Where stories live. Discover now