princess fragrance

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"welcome. ladybug and cat noir have saved paris once again. jean duparc was akumatized into the very menacing magician of misfortune, threatening to make the eiffel tower vanish in a puff of smoke." nadja chamack said.

gwen, as ladybug, she swung her yo-yo, and went towards the subway stairs. she got out the other end.

feeling something in her bag, gwen checked on tikki to see her shivering. "tikki, are you alright?"

"i need you to take me to a doctor." tikki replied still shivering.

"what am i supposed to do when they ask what kind of animal you are? no one's going to believe you're a cat." gwen said.

"i know a healer. i'll tell you where to go." tikki, trying to stay warm, huddled up to her.

"are you sure?" when tikki nodded, she let her guide the way. 'hold on tikki, i won't let you be hurt.'

'hey i know this way. it's the way to the school.' she mentally cringed when she remembered that school was today. 'i just hope that i won't get scolded by miss mendeleiev.'

gwen wasn't looking where she was going, she bumped into a person, accidentally dropping tikki.

tikki instantly went stiff as a hand picked her up. it was chloe's.

"hmm, what kind of stuffed animal is this? who left this here?" chloe was moving her around. "the prince will never have seen one like this before. and when he lays eyes on me, prince ali will forget about those sick kids."

"chloe. wait-." she was interrupted by rose walking up to chloe, holding some sort of pink paper.

"did i hear you say prince ali?" rose inquired. curiosity was what gwen felt. she's never heard of that name before chloe mentioned it.

"not to you." chloe said snoboly.

"prince ali's staying at chloe's dad's hotel." sabrina said. "the only hotel fit for a prince. and i'm going to be the first to meet him. isn't he lucky?" chloe then added.

"oh, please, could you give him a special letter for me?" rose pleaded. 'this is going to go wrong.'

"no prob." she said, fake sincerely,

"oh, that is so amazingly sweet of you to do that for me." rose said.

chloe laughed in her face. "you thought i was serious? you think i wanna get anywhere near this fish funk?" she ripped up the letter.

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