12. I shall come back home

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The next morning she stretches in her bed and slowly opens her eyes. He's not there anymore, he has already left.

I have to get ready as soon as possible to go and train with him!

She gets off the bed and notices something on the desk, it's a note that says:

"Morning, my dear...I...I have gone now. I want you to remember that I will never give up on our love, and I will not leave your side."

Please, dear...please, never forget the love we have for each other.

I shall see you in the training room, and don't forget to keep the secrecy of our relationship...

Yours always, Anakin."

She smiles widely and she gets dressed quickly tying up her hair into a high ponytail. 

I have to hurry up, I can't wait to see him!

She eats her breakfast very quickly and walks towards the training room.

. . .

Anakin is waiting for her already, wearing his Jedi robes now.

"Oh, love, I...I am so sorry that I had to leave so quickly this morning" he says hugging her.

He looks at her.

"I...dear you look so very beautiful."

Oh, my love...if only the Order knew of how much I wish to be with you now...

"shhh, Anakin, you have to treat me like any other padawan...we can't get caught"

"Yes, yes...my love, you are right. We can't get caught. I...understand"

Anakin smiles and holds her close.

"But still...still, I can't contain my love for you now, yn."

"ok...um...Master, let's start my training alright?" she says in a formal way

"Yes, yn..." replies Anakin, smiling slightly now.

"let's begin...Here, let's try an exercise."

She trains her lightsaber skills in the training chamber for a few hours. It was almost lunchtime, and her arms were sore and muscles weak.
Eventually, she hears Anakin's voice which jolts her out of her fatigue-induced daze.

"That's it for today," Anakin says with a nod, his expression a bit stern, she sees that other masters are in the room so he has to be cold. 

"Can we have lunch now, Master?" she asks while rubbing her arms that feel sore.

"yeah sure, let's go" he smiles a bit. 

She follows him into the dining room and they sit down at a table in the corner, they're far from the others so they can stop pretending to be just professional. 

Anakin smiles warmly at her now, feeling a wave of relief wash through his body.

"I...I was worried that we had to keep this up...but now, we can now speak freely with each other, my love?"

He looks at her, waiting for response now.

She nods and smiles "yes, Ani"

"yn...I have to tell you something...something you may not like..."

"what is it?" she asks worried 

"Oh dear, my love...I..."

Anakin takes a deep breath and sighs, then looks away from her now, feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

"I have to leave..." he whispers. 

She looks completely shocked

"One of my Jedi duties is to go to war when I am needed and... tomorrow... I... have to leave"

"w-w-what?" she asks shaking

"My love, I...I must go to war." He says with a solemn but yet sad tone in his voice now.

Oh my love, I cannot tell you the pain that this causes me.

His hand is shaking as he holds hers now.

"I...I must lead my troops to battle now, I cannot be here with you."

she gets up and runs away towards to her room

Anakin stands up and chases after her.

"yn! yn, wait!

"Oh, my love, please, I... I cannot let you go."

He quickly catches up with her now and holds her close, with his arms wrapped around her.

"Dear...don't leave now, I...I know I'm going to war, but please believe me...it will take me just a few weeks to come back to you."

I cannot let this be the end, not now...

she enters her room crying

Anakin follows now, and he sees her crying in her room.

"Oh, dear, no...please don't cry...oh my love, I...I shall be back for you soon."

I love this girl, I cannot lose her now.

He slowly hugs her tightly while speaking.

"I cannot express just how much I love you now, dear. I must...I must go and fight for the Republic and my Order."

"But I swear to you...in just a few short weeks, I shall be back for you, my love."

"it's not fair" she says while crying against his chest.

Anakin cradles her closer now.

"Oh my dear, I know it's not. I...I wish this were all a dream, and...and things could stay like this forever."

"But sadly, I have to...I have to go to war to help my Order. But I...I will make it back to you in due time dear. Oh, I promise this."

Oh, my dear yn, please believe me. I...I will not leave you now.

Anakin nods and holds her close again.

"My love, I will not leave you. I shall hold you now dear. I shall be here for you now and always."

she keeps crying hugging him tightly 

"Do not worry yourself, my love, I shall come back home...I will always come back home to you."

"Oh, my love...do not cry," Anakin says softly, holding her close now.

Oh dear, I can't stand to see her like this now...

"I will fight for the Republic and for my Order; I shall go to war for them, I will fight for them. It is my life's work, what I have always desired; I cannot stand to see my Order die in this war now."

"No, no, Anakin d-don't even say that word" she stutters

Anakin wraps his arms around her now more tightly, holding her close.

"My love, I...I cannot turn my back on my duties. And I promise you, I'll come back home"

"The Galaxy needs the Jedi to protect them, to guide them in these dark times now."

Oh, she's so sensitive, so innocent, so delicate now, that I cannot help but love her more and more.

"you'll come back, Ani, you'll come back to me right?" she says tearing up

"What a stupid question is this, my love? of course I'll come back to you, you're my whole life now" 

Master Skywalker -  Anakin x ynWhere stories live. Discover now