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"Avery, come on." My 6ft tall dad called as he tried to pick up his pace to keep up with me through the bright hallway of Hopkins Broker, illuminated by fluorescent lights. My dad is an intense person, tall and muscular, brown eyes and a cleaned up beard. He served in the army when he was younger and has been a hard ass since. Work got the best of him and my parents split up ten years ago, and have remained friends. I've been lucky to have parents that can be in the same room, unfortunately not everyone has that. "Dad." I stopped and turned on my black, open toed heels to meet his intense looking brown eyes. "We've talked about this literally a thousand times. I am supposed to be out of town this weekend. I am going to see Brent." I grunted. I am supposed to be visiting my brother in Texas, where I am from. A two hour flight from Knoxville, Tennessee, my home for six years now, giving my Texas accent a little twist. "Avery, it's one more project and then you are free to go." I rolled my eyes and sighed, he is luckily it's a quick flight. I glanced down at my silver watch my father gifted me for my 21st birthday. 7:00PM. If I could get out of here at 9:00PM, that would be a miracle and my flight is at 4 in the morning. As much as I want to, I cannot say no to him, he is always so proud of the business and I.

I ran my fingers through my brown hair. "Fine, but we wrap this up tonight. I refuse to miss my flight due to work. What's the project?" I walked back with him to his large office and took a seat next to the aquarium on the other side of my father's desk.

After a long three hour meeting, I am finally free to go home. I don't blame my father for asking me to stay, this was a large project and great for business. I hopped in my car and drove home, about a 20 minute drive. It's chilly, about 50 degrees at this time of night as autumn is creeping in. I locked up my car and headed into my house, to greet my cat, Binx. Luckily my next door neighbor Sally, a very sweet 79 year old woman, offered to watch over her while I am gone. Sally has been an amazing neighbor, living in the house for the last 40 years, her husband Jim leaving her widowed two years ago from a heart attack. My dog Jaxson, is staying at a friend's house. He's a Rottweiler and I would never ask Sally to watch him, no matter how much he loves her and how trained he is, she just doesn't have the strength for him.

  I stripped down and stepped in the shower, letting the warm water run down my tattooed body, dreading the 2 am wake up call just a few hours away. I decided to not even bother to sleep, napping is not my thing. After the shower I threw on a black Kleaver Klothing tank, and some grey sweatpants, hopping in my bed to read Cat's Cradle until it was time to head to the airport.

  I kept the same outfit on except for an oversized hoodie to cover my body, being so self conscious in public. Placing my neck pillow around my neck and my airpods in, I was not paying attention to where I was walking and bumped into a tall man who had to be well over six foot and covered in tattoos.

  "I am so sorry.." Bending down to grab my right airpod that fell out of my ear during the collision. I went wide eyed as I realized I spilt his coffee on his white muscle shirt. "Oh my god..I am seriously so so sorry. Please let me buy you a new one!" So embarrassing. Why am I like this?

He chuckled, "At least it's just cold brew and not hot coffee, no worries." He bent down and unzipped his backpack to pull out a sweatshirt and threw it on to cover up the coffee, I spilt. He stood back up and his eyes met mine. "Really though, please let me buy you a new coffee." I said sternly, not letting him take no for an answer.

I noticed the famous green siren on the side of his cup and walked with him over to Starbucks. "Venti sweet cream cold brew, please." The tattooed man, named Noah, I learned on our short walk, ordered. "Actually, could you make that two." The barista nodded at me and before she could take my card Noah gently pushed my hand away and put his card into the barista's hand. "Dude, absolutely not. I'm the one who spilt your coffee. He chucked again, "I really don't mind at all. It's the least I could do, coffee or not I'm the one who got lucky to meet you." I smiled, it's been a while since someone has been so kind to me.

  "So.." Noah stated after thanking the barista and tipping her, making our way towards our gates. "Where are you headed to?" Noticing we were not going in the same direction. "Houston." I answered, looking around and biting my nails, dreading how crowded I would feel on this flight. I do not enjoy flying. Something about being thirty thousand feet in the air terrified me, regardless of it being on of the safest forms of transportation. "You?" I asked. "Atlanta." I nodded and look at my watch noticing we had 5 minutes until boarding. I can feel Noah's eyes on me as my sleeve rolled up slightly revealing some of my tattoos. "I like your tattoos." He said pointing at them, slightly embarrassed because I don't take compliments easy, which I know probably sounds ridiculous. We said our goodbyes and headed to the seating around our gates, funny enough we are still facing each other from across the large area.

Over the couple of minutes before our flight we stole glances at each other, sometimes catching each other in the act, making us laugh and creating silly faces towards one another. Hearing my gate over the speakers, I gave the man I met, Noah, a small smile and wave, knowing I wouldn't see him again.

White Noise // Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now