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A couple of days later we had to pack our things and head to the dreaded airport, we are traveling to Download Fest, my first festival ever and I have been so excited. There's only one problem. Bad Omens is set to play right before INK on the same stage. The thought of seeing Noah makes me tremble.

Luckily, the guys have grown fond of Marcos and asked him if he would like to join us to Download and he accepted. It will be nice to have an old friend join me, I needed the distraction. "You okay Avery?" Marcos asked sitting next to as we boarded our plane. "Avery?" Macros jolted me out of my thoughts as I looked out the window watching the plane leave the ground. "Oh yeah, I'm good. Sorry." I apologized for not hearing him. "You have absolutely nothing to apologize for." He said with his award winning smile.

We chatted the whole plane ride, lost in our conversation the captain came on the speaker.
"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to East Midlands Airport and Castle Donington, I hope you enjoy your stay. We made our way off of the plane and headed for baggage claim where we waited way too goddamn long. We hailed a taxi and made our way to the hotel after retrieving our luggage.

When we got to the hotel I noticed a lot of other bands were there and I wondered if they rented it out, which spiked my anxiety. Please don't let Noah be here even though I know he is. We collected our key cards from the front desk and made our way to our room. Spencer, Marcos and I creating chaos the whole way up the elevator to our rooms. I had my own room because Nadia couldn't make it due to being needed in LA for casting.

  We walked down the long hall until we stopped in front our rooms. The door next to mine suddenly opened and I locked eyes with the dark brown eyes I'm all too familiar with.

Oh fuck me.

    We both walked past each other, feeling like slow motion as we locked eyes, like time stood still. I felt a light touch on the small of my back. It was Patrick escorting me to my room, knowing I might freak out. When Pat touched the small of my back I could sense jealousy coming from Noah. Was Noah jealous?

Pat and I entered the rather large room, a bathroom to the left having a full shower and jacuzzi, small common area with a tv mounted on the wall and a couch attached to a small kitchen area with a microwave, small fridge and a coffee maker. Finally the bedroom painted a beige color, small enough for two people with matching night stands.

We sat on the couch next to each other and I let out a long breath. "What the fuck Pat? Why is he my right next to me?!" I panicked. He rubbed circles on my back. "I don't know Avey but I'm going to see if we can switch rooms for you." He bounced off the couch and started marching for the door.

"No!" I jumped up and yelled a little louder than I should have. "Sorry- I mean, it's fine Pat, really. I'm a big girl."

  "Avey, you really should talk to him. He's miserable, he misses you." Pat gave me sympathetic eyes. "I miss him too, but better to break the bandaid off now before we get too deep." My lips started to quiver as tears threatened to spill.

"What is there to be scared about, Avery? So you have different schedules. It's not the end of the world. You can't ignore him forever, stop running."

I know.

Leaving me inside my own mind, Patrick gave me a small wave and headed out.


  Luckily I didn't run into Noah the rest of the day, mostly because I hid all day with Spencer and Pat periodically checking in on me. I just wanted to stay in bed and hide from the world.

Alas, it was the next morning I was forced to get up. "Fuck." I groaned as my alarm from my iPhone blared into the once peaceful hotel room. I rolled out of bed lazily walked into the bathroom to strip down and jump in the shower.

  God, I hated my body. Why would Noah want to be with me anyway? He can literally get any girl he wants, and way prettier girls are so thirsty over him. But I can't deny that I'm not.

I looked away from the mirror, not bearing to look at my naked body anymore. I strolled over to my closet and picked out denim jeggings, a black v next black top and black boots that stopped at my ankles. I did my makeup, keeping it simple with a light smokey eye, eyelashes and a nude lipstick. My nerves are getting the best of me. This will be the largest crowd that I will be in front of photographing Ice Nine Kills, and secondly, Noah.


Setting up for INKs set had its setbacks. Nothing was going right. Spencer's raincoat ripped in back, luckily not enough for the crowd to notice. Ricky is having technical difficulties and Shev is sick. Lord help me. I groaned in irritation and peaked around side stage to see the crowd. A sea of people packed as Noah belted out every perfect note, noticing he made eye contact with me.

"I lie to myself like it's not too late
Convinced the past can still be changed
We know it's gone, but I can't move on
I want to rewind, but it just replays
Jumping on a hand grenade
But it won't go off, no, it won't go off"

What have I done?

Author's note
Shit is about to get so real my friends, stay tuned.

White Noise // Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now