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"Noaaaah." I whined, dragging out his name.

"C'mon love, we need to get up." I pouted as he reiterated for the third time now, trying to get me out of bed. I rolled over and straddled him. He looked so sexy with his hair in a mess and only in his sweatpants. He laughed and shook his head knowing exactly what I was trying to do, seduce him back to bed. "What's in it for me?"

"Ave, what if I told you I'll buy you coffee." He made a good bargain, but I'm not sure it was enough to make me move. I couldn't help but notice the way he looked at me as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. No matter how self conscious I am, he always makes me feel comfortable, and beautiful. I never knew a man would ever want to be with me, and I can tell he really wants to.

I lazily rolled over and got out of bed and moved to the restroom to get ready for the day. I started with my makeup, a simple winged liner, my eyelashes and blush with a shit ton of concealer to cover up my tired eyes. I could hear Noah softly singing on the other side of the wall. Curling my hair, I felt hands on my hips and kisses on my shoulder and instantly smiled.

"Noah Sebastian, do you want to get burned by this curling iron?" I giggled as he shook his head no dramatically. "You're beautiful Avery." I couldn't say anything but smile and blush. He blew me a kiss and left the restroom to finish up getting ready.

Today we were headed back on the bus to our next stop. I never know where we are anymore, I don't understand how to boys attempt to keep it straight.

"Well isn't it the two lovebirds!" Folio shouted as we hopped back on Bad Omens bus. I plopped down right next to him on the couch and gave him a side hug. "How was your night?" He wiggled his eyebrows, earning an eye roll and a slight blush that I tried to hide.

I scrolled through my instagram and posted a new photo of Noah and I. The comments are getting nicer, but some still make me wince. Folio leaned over, "You know to ignore the comments. They don't own Noah." I sighed, putting my phone down. He's right, but I can't help but let my walls back up a bit when I see something like that.

As I was spaced out watching the guys stream, my phone rang and it was my dad. I quietly excused myself and crawled into Noah's bunk. "Hi, Dad."

"Ave, How are you?"

"I'm great Dad, this has been an amazing experience." I smiled. "That's great to hear! And how's Nolan?" I rolled my eyes. "It's Noah, Dad." I know correcting him won't be enough, he already doesn't care for Noah and they have not even met.

"Right, so, your tour is coming to an end and I could really really use you back at the office. We need you, Avery." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I have not even begun to think about how quickly this tour is coming to an end. As scary as it is thinking about returning to the corporate world, I know he needs me, but I also need Noah.

I snuck back into our common area towards the end of their stream, trying not to interrupt. "Bye guys!" Noah ended his stream and took my hand and led me to the bunks so we could talk. By the look on my face, I probably was looking angry. "What's going on in that beautiful brain of yours, Av?"

"Just frustrated. That was my dad. He needs me back to work next week." I sighed as I gave Binx some scratches. We had two more weeks of tour left and its killing me to cut my time short with Noah.

"Oh..uhh.. are you going to go?" His question took me by surprise, I always thought I gave the impression that I would be going back. "I have to." That was a lie, I didn't have to go back, but I'm comfortable going back. This has been so life changing but super overwhelming. "No you don't. You can stay and travel with us."

"Noah, you know I was always planning on going back. My life is back there. This time we've had together has been unbelievably amazing and I am grateful for everything. We're going to be okay apart for a little bit. This life is amazing, but difficult, before I make any rash decisions I need to go home and think." And that is the truth. Adjusting to this lifestyle has had its challenges.

"Why didn't you tell me you were struggling to adjusting?" I could tell he thinks he did something wrong.

"Noah, you did everything right. I adjusted the best I could because of you. You take my pain away. When I get to listen to your heartbeat at night, I don't have my crippling anxiety attacks and insomnia, I don't think about relapsing or anything else. You are my white noise, and you drown out all of my demons."

He took my hand in his and met his lips with mine. "Lets go make the best of the day and we'll figure everything out just mine." He smiled and led me off of the bed to enjoy our day together.

White Noise // Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now