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Noah's POV

Love's the death of peace of mind.

  A month has gone by since I've last spoken to Avery. A long painful month. My heart is broken, which has caused me to become reckless with my decisions. My band mates have noticed but I don't care. Drinking and partying, taking girls home just to feel something and nothing works. I miss her beautiful smile, the way she carries herself and rises above whatever is thrown at her.

  "Dude, I'm so ready for this party." Folio nudged me. "Yeah dude, let's go party!" Jolly joined in. I just nodded and followed the guys out. We are currently touring with Sleep Theory and I Prevail, two bands that constantly kill it every night, and great guys.

   I finished my look, a black button down polo that exposed some of my chest and tattoos and black skinny jeans and we made our way out to the party bus. "Woohoo!" Jolly yelled and he
opened a bottle of vodka, pouring shots. We all met in the center of the bus and tipped our heads back, feeling the slow burn of the liquor traveling down our throats.

  Deciding to let loose, I pushed the memories out of my head for the time being and partied with my friends. A couple of shots later, we reach the club.

  "Aye!" Cullen yelled as we approached the guys in Sleep Theory and I Prevail in the loud club. Eric handed us drinks and we immediately started to nod our heads the loud rap music and socialized.

  Feeling buzzed after another shot and a drink later, I caught the eye of a beautiful girl dancing, meeting my eyes and motioning for me to dance. At first I thought I was seeing Avery, but my mind was playing tricks on me. The alcohol and reckless thoughts roped me into her.

  I immediately grabbed her hips and let her grind on me, swaying to the upbeat music. I know this is probably wrong but tonight, wrong was okay with me. Anything to numb my broken heart. She drug me over to the bar, and a few shots later, I was taking her home.

Avery's POV

  "How are you feeling?" Spencer plopped down next to me on the green room sofa, giving me a side hug. "I really wish people would stop asking me that." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "We care about you, Avey, we just want to make sure you are doing okay." I sighed, hating the nickname Avey that the guys have given me, but not protesting, it's not worth it.

  "What do you want me to say, Spence? That I'm absolutely heart broken? Because I am and I don't want to talk about it." I huffed and left the room, storming towards side stage to finish setting up Ice Nine Kills' set.

  I know I probably shouldn't have snapped at Spencer, he's only trying to help, but I don't want to talk about it. I pushed that aside and finished prepping my camera for the show. Pat walked up to me and put his arms around my neck from behind. "Pat, you're choking me." I said breathlessly as he pulled away. "Kinky." He wiggled his eye brows, earning an eye roll.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I laughed. With that, he skipped to side stage joining Spencer, Joe, Ricky and Dan to the stage Shocking the crowd, they changed up their set list, starting with Welcome to Horrowood, followed by Assault and Batteries, A Grave Mistake, Farewell II Flesh, and so on.

  "Avery!" I heard a voice call from behind me during INK's set. "Marcos?" Marcos was my best friend back in Texas. Ever since I moved to Tennessee, we lost touch. I have to admit, I had the biggest crush on him back in high school, but I was always too afraid to do anything about it. I never felt good enough for him. I ran to him and gave him the biggest hug. "What are you doing here?"

  "I'm in town for work and I saw on instagram that you are working for Ice Nine Kills. I got in touch with a crew member and I wanted to come see you. "Oh my god, how sweet of you! I've got to get back to work but let's catch up later!" I gave him a quick hug and got back to side stage, packing props as they were on their encore. 

  After the set and we all showered and refreshed, we decided to go out and have a good time. We had a day off tomorrow, which means we got to sleep in a hotel, an actual bed. I wore black leather leggings and a Sleep Token shirt, a little out of my comfort zone, but I decided to try. I invited Marcos to come out, and I have to admit, he looked good.

Hehe sorry for a couple of filler chapters, I promise it's for a reason (and sorry I sprung a break up on you real quick.) Stay with me here. Thanks for reading!!

White Noise // Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now