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"Jokim Karlsson get the fuck off of me I swear to
god!" I squeal as Jolly plops down on my
lap, interrupting my inevitable victory in Mario Kart against Nicolas.

"Tagga ned, I'm comfy here." I roll my eyes.

"Watch that Swedish tongue of yours, Karlsson." Being around the guys for some time now, I've taken it upon myself to learn some Swedish slang so I know what the fuck Jolly says sometimes, mainly just to talk shit back to him.  "Victory is mine!" I yell, tossing my controller down.

"Fuck!" Nicolas yells back in defeat and makes his way to the kitchen.

The guy's schedule has calmed down for a little while, which feels great. My life, not so much. We were able to raise $50k for Carol, I thought the poor woman was going to have a heart attack. She tried to insist she couldn't accept it, but Noah and I would not back down. She wants to put 5k into the business to give it a little revamp and Spencer, Patrick, Noah and a few others insisted on helping. Let me tell you, I could see why they are musicians and not handymen.

While the shop is closed down for a little bit, I convinced Carol to take her grandchildren to Disney while I help Nadia with a few music videos. I got to work along some amazing artists like Loveless, Dayseeker and of course INK, all incredible experiences.

  Today, everyone is coming over just to hang out and regroup before the craziness begins again.

"I'm hereeeee" Spencer screams as he enters the front door.
"Hello!!!" Patrick and Ricky chime in.
"What's up guys and Avey!" Joe and Nadia actually act like a calm normal human beings.

"In the living room whooping Nicolas's ass!" I call back. Instead they raid the kitchen, go figure. I jump up and greet them in the kitchen, giving them all hugs. "Ya know if y'all were hungry you could've just told me. I'll order pizza.

I jump on my Domino's app and order an absurd amount of pizza knowing it will be all gone by the end of the night.


I follow Avery into the kitchen as she is ordering pizza for us and wrap my arms around her waist and nuzzling my face in the crook of her neck, softly swaying her.

"My love, pineapple does not go on pizza." I mumble into her neck.

She hummed, "Don't start a war you are going to lose, Noah." I laugh, still nuzzled in the crook of her neck and I can feel goosebumps rising on her beautiful skin.

She turns her neck to make eye contact with a smile, "Noah Sebastian this not the time." She scolds me.

"You know you are the love of my life, right?" I whisper after everyone has retreated to the living room to continue Mario Kart and can see the blush on her cheeks.

"Sorry Noah, but I'm leaving you. Bye!!!" She teases and I respond by tickling her sides sending her into a frenzy of giggles.

"Sorry love, hate to break it to you but you are mine forever."

I want to marry Avery.
Forever is not enough time with her.

"Fucking hell!" We hear Ricky and Jolly screaming.

"C'mon love." I take Avery's hand and lead her back to everyone in the living room, pulling her into my lap and wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"Awe, come on Noah!! Share the love!!" Our friends whine and hold their arms out waiting for Avery and she turns to me and I chuckle.

She shrugs and giggles. "Sorry Noah, but you have been extremely outnumbered." I smirk and let her go. She walks over to the couch where Spencer, Patrick and Ruffilo are sitting and lies across them, annoying the fuck out of all three of them.

That's my girl.

- - -


Here we are, standing in the airport saying goodbye once again. Coincidentally his flight is to the same airport where we met. I chuckle remembering spilling my coffee on him. That embarrassing moment turned out to be the best moment of my life, meeting Noah.

That was no coincidence, fate is very real. We were just two strangers that had no idea we would be soulmates at the time, and I truly believe it.

I want to marry Noah.
Forever is not enough time with him.

"I love you so much." He mumbles in my hair as he pulls in a tight hug.

"I love you too. I'll see you when you get home."

Author's note

WOW. Thank you everyone so much for enjoying this story. We have officially reached 3.5k reads. I started writing stories 9 months ago right after I had some major surgery. This has been my escape from reality and I write strictly for fun.

With that being said, this story has been so fun to write and this chapter is meant to be short and finish the book...becauseeee there's a sequel and I'm putting out the first chapter today!! It's called A Cheers to the Life You Didn't Get to Choose //Noah Sebastian. Feel free to check it out if you want to see what happens. I'm so excited for it and there's so much story that needs to be told.

Thanks again,

White Noise // Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now